MDA Extends Guam Flight Test Comment Period, Offers Public Meeting; Speaker Terlaje Urges Public to Participate

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (June 24, 2024 – Hagåtña, Guam) – In a response letter to Speaker Therese Terlaje’s June 11, 2024 letter requesting an extension to the Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) Guam Flight Test Proposed Final Environmental Assessment/ Overseas Environmental Assessment’s (EA/ OEA) public comment period, MDA Director Lieutenant General Heath Collins wrote that the MDA will extend the previous deadline by 30 days. The new public comment period deadline for the MDA’s Guam Flight Test Proposed Final EA/ OEA is now August 2, 2024. 

Furthermore, the MDA, in coordination with Joint Task Force Micronesia Command and Joint Region Marianas Command will offer their environmental and flight test experts to be available for a briefing with local legislators, and for a public meeting on July 25, 2024. The location and time for the public meeting are forthcoming in public notices. 

The deadline extension and public meeting are a win for Guam, but a win that should be taken with determination to increase public involvement in the public comment period process. Recent public comment periods for Department of Defense projects have not seen substantial community involvement, but this extension could change that for upcoming MDA deadlines related to their proposed 360-degree Enhanced Air and Integrated Missile Defense system for Guam. 

On the extension, Speaker Terlaje says the following:

“Thank you to the Missile Defense Agency, in coordination with Joint Task Force Micronesia Command and Joint Region Marianas Command, for granting an extension to the Guam Flight Test’s public comment period. I further thank the joint team for offering their environmental and flight test experts to be available for local legislators and a public meeting so that we can all address important matters like landowner rights, public safety, and protection of the environment for their proposed Guam Flight Test. 

Although seemingly separate, the proposed actions detailed within the Guam Flight Test Proposed Final EA/ OEA are directly related to the proposed 360-degree EIAMD system as they help prepare the MDA to establish the system in Guam.

Therefore, I urge the public to review the Guam Flight Test Proposed Final EA/ OEA and submit questions and concerns to the MDA during this extended public comment period. The Proposed Final EA/OEA and Proposed FONSI are available for download and review at or you can visit the Dededo and Nieves M. Flores Memorial public libraries to view a printed copy. Comments may be submitted by email to or by U.S. postal mail to: ManTech International Corporation, Attention: Guam Flight Test EA Project Support, PMB 403 1270 N. Marine Corps Dr., Suite 101, Tamuning, Guam 96913-4331.”


For more information, please contact Speaker Therese M. Terlaje’s office at (671) 472-3586 or via e-mail at

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Speaker Therese Terlaje to Honor Guam’s Nursing Community

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (May 6, 2024 – Hagåtña, Guam) – In acknowledgment of the invaluable dedication and tireless service rendered by Guam’s nursing professionals, Speaker Therese M. Terlaje introduces Resolution No. 383-37 (LS) which aims to honor and commemorate the unwavering commitment of our island’s nurses during the observance of “National Nurses Month” throughout May 2024, culminating in “National Nurses Day” on May 6th, and extending into “National Nurses Week” from May 6 to May 12, 2024.

The presentation of Resolution No. 383-37 (LS) is scheduled for Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 1:00 p.m., to be held at the Guam Congress Building’s Public Hearing Room.

Speaker Terlaje extends a heartfelt invitation to all of Guam’s esteemed nurses to join in this special occasion at the Guam Congress Building. Let us come together to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of our nursing community during National Nurses Month, National Nurses Day, and National Nurses Week.


For more information, please contact Speaker Therese M. Terlaje’s office at (671) 472-3586 or via e-mail at

Speaker Terlaje Raises Concerns Over Delay in Notice to Guam Office of Veterans Affairs; Urges Veterans to Attend Island-Wide Convention on April 6, 2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (February 21, 2024 – Hagåtña, Guam) – Statement of Speaker Terlaje regarding funding for the Veteran’s Convention on Bill No. 114-37(LS).

“Since May 2023 these veterans have been working together to urge passage of my B114 to appropriate $40k for an island-wide convention. Turns out the Governor was able to use ARP money all along and finally released 100k on Feb 2, 2024, to the Guam Office of Veterans Affairs. Today, as we started deliberations on B114 in session, is the first time the GOVA or Legislature was told of this transfer specific for the convention.”

She further added that, “Valuable time and resources of our veterans have been needlessly expended because of the lack of communication from the Governor. I sincerely hope this convention is able to reach the estimated 28,000+ veterans in Guam and bridge the gap on information and resources available to these veterans most of all I hope our veterans will feel the support of our entire community. I urge all the veterans to attend the momentous island-wide convention on April 6, 2024, and contact the Guam Office of Veterans Affairs for more information.”

For more information, please contact Speaker Therese M. Terlaje’s office at (671) 472-3586 or via e-mail at

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE- Speaker Certifies Power Credits as Emergency Measure

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (February 21, 2024 – Hagåtña, Guam) – Ahead of today’s session, Speaker Therese M. Terlaje certified that emergency conditions exist to allow the body to immediately consider granting another $100 power credit to GPA customers to alleviate rising consumer prices.

According to Speaker Terlaje : “Despite the lack of proper motion by the sponsor and  lack of a committee report, the people of Guam need urgent relief from the steep increase in GPA power bills which threatens their welfare and threatens to exacerbate poverty on Guam. We confirmed yesterday that there are now sufficient excess funds to cover the cost of an additional $100 energy credit for residential customers.”

For more information, please contact Speaker Therese M. Terlaje’s office at (671) 472-3586 or via e-mail at

Landmark Legislation Addressing Illegal Quarrying Advances to Third Reading

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (January 22, 2024 – Hagåtña, Guam) – Today, Bill No. 116-37 (COR), which addresses gaps in regulating illegal quarrying, successfully progressed to the Third Reading file, signaling a concerted effort to tackle community concerns and enhance oversight of earthmoving activities, especially those above Guam’s aquifer.

Introduced on May 11, 2023, by Speaker Therese M. Terlaje, Bill 116-37 has undergone years of collaborative research involving government regulatory agencies, stakeholders, and dedicated professionals. This initiative responds to mounting concerns about mining operations in Guam, particularly those operating under permits for clearing and grading. With a surge in development projects, including those for the Department of Defense, Speaker Terlaje, Chairperson of the Committee on Land, recognized the heightened value of aggregate, crucial for both military and local developments and the heightened pressure on agencies to issue permits.  This bill closes loopholes in Guam law to better regulate operations where projects permitted for clearing and grading were unmistakably operating as quarries.

At the public hearing on July 19, 2023, all stakeholders recognized the pressing need to address inconsistencies in Guam’s laws concerning the permitting and regulation of quarrying and mining. Stakeholder testimonies stressed the importance of harmonizing enforcement capabilities to ensure best practices for mining and quarrying. “The substitute bill reflects our collective commitment to closing regulatory gaps and ensuring clarity in how we manage quarrying activities on Guam. It’s a pivotal step toward effective oversight and protection of public health and the environment,” said Speaker Therese M. Terlaje.

The substitute bill refines definitions for quarrying and mining, clarifies the threshold between grading and quarrying for effective enforcement, and aligns Guam EPA’s regulatory authority under the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. 

Speaker Therese M. Terlaje extended gratitude to Guam EPA, DLM, DPW, DOA, SHPO, WERI, GWA, and BSP for their support, hard work, and invaluable contributions to this pivotal legislation. As the bill advances to the Third Reading, she humbly calls upon her colleagues to endorse this measure for the benefit of Guam’s present and future.

Bill No. 116-37 was successfully placed onto the 3rd Reading File. “This bill is landmark legislation that closes the gaps of illegal quarrying under a clearing and grading permit, and harmful quarrying on agriculturally zoned land. It is a pivotal step toward effective oversight and protection of the land and its resources, including the drinking water and food that we rely on. I am grateful for the technical assistance from those dedicated and experienced individuals in the agencies who do the regulatory work every day, which ensures the health and safety of Guam’s residents.” Speaker Terlaje stated.

Session resumes on Tuesday, January 22, 2024.


For more information, please contact Speaker Therese M. Terlaje’s office at (671) 472-3586 or via e-mail at

Committee on Health, Land, Justice and Culture Affirms Viability of Ypao Point for New Hospital Amidst Practical Concerns

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (October 19, 2023 – Hagåtña, Guam) – The Legislature’s Committee on Health, Land, Justice, and Culture, chaired by Speaker Therese Terlaje, convened another critical hearing to address the pressing need for a new hospital facility on Guam. The discussions focused on the viability of Ypao Point, the site of the old Guam Memorial Hospital (GMH), as a prime location for a new hospital.

Discussion at the hearing emphasized several key factors, including the site’s acreage, supporting infrastructure, and the environmental condition of the property which has been utilized over the years as a dump site, including as a staging area for debris after Typhoon Mawar.  The Army Corps of Engineers stated that they hope to complete cleaning the site by November 16-20, 2023, with only one pile of debris left for the government of Guam to complete.

While there is a push by the administration for a 100-acre medical complex in Adacao, the practicality and cost-effectiveness of such an extensive project were called into question.  The available land at Ypao Point ranges from 25 to 35 acres of usable land, which used to house 230 beds at the old GMH and had development companies proposing to build 300-500 apartment  and/or condominium units in addition to a convention center or business park.  Even under Matrix’s plan, the proposed hospital would require 930,000 square feet for a 300-bed capacity facility, which is equal to just 21 acres if it was on a single story.

Additionally, infrastructure costs for the Ypao Point location are significantly lower at approximately $80 million less than Adacao or Eagles Field.  This savings in infrastructure costs would have significantly less impact to taxpayers and ratepayers who would be shouldering these costs.

Other practical advantages include proximity to residents which according to the Medical Campus Plan, means that significantly more patients are within 20 minutes of a hospital at Ypao Point versus a site in Mangilao by at least 35,000 residents.  This is a significant data point supporting response time for a site in Tamuning.

An oversight was also held regarding the progress on a new Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) CDC lab.  Responses from DPHSS to an inquiry from the Committee revealed that DPHSS is authorized by grant to locate the CDC lab at any site on Guam.  Being attached to a hospital was never part of the grant.  Additionally, Guam Behavioral Health and Welfare Center is expanding its facility at its current site, just minutes away from Ypao Point.

What is most encouraging, however, is the overwhelming support from the medical community and the wider Guam community for Ypao Point as the location for the new hospital. Testimonies from the Guam Medical Association (GMA) and medical professionals underscore the critical importance of the Ypao Point site. Over 90% of medical staff are located within 10 minutes of Ypao Point, which is crucial for emergency response times. The existing infrastructure and strategic location make Ypao Point the practical choice.

Speaker Therese Terlaje emphasized, “We have an obligation to ensure healthcare services are accessible to all of Guam’s community. Ypao Point is the practical solution for a new hospital with the least amount of impact to the current medical infrastructure and to taxpayers and utility ratepayers alike.”

While challenges and concerns are to be expected in a project of this magnitude, the practical solution presented by Ypao Point should not be underestimated.   This community support reflects a deep understanding of the urgent need for a new hospital and its location.

“If we can address CLTC’s concerns the way the Administration proposes to address ancestral lands, there seems to be no major impediment to building a hospital at Ypao Point except for the willingness of the Governor,” Speaker Terlaje added.

The Committee on Health, Land, Justice, and Culture is committed to moving this discussion forward, obtaining information from relevant agencies, however, the focus remains on prioritizing the construction of a new hospital to best serve the needs of the people of Guam.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Speaker Terlaje comments on shocking Guam provisions included within Senate Committee advanced NDAA 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (July 17, 2023 – Hagåtña, Guam) – Speaker Therese Terlaje makes the following statement regarding the Senate Armed Services Committee advanced version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024:

“I was shocked to see that the Senate Armed Services Committee version of the NDAA included very detailed provisions regarding Eagles Field (Lålo) land (referred to by the Senate as “transmitter site”) and an express provision that Eagles Field property shall not be deemed excess, contradicting earlier promise and action by the Secretary of the Navy. Several concerns struck me immediately. 

First, there are some very high level discussions and lobbying going on in Washington D.C. regarding land on Guam— behind our backs, and apparently without any knowledge of our Congressman. Neither the Congressman nor the Governor have announced this to us as part of their lobbying efforts. If Guam has such a high level, effective lobbying power, Congress should have included a provision expressly affirming that excess federal land returned to the Government of Guam may be transferred to the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission to meet the public purpose of rectifying the injustice done by military land takings years ago. 

Most concerning is, from what I have learned regarding their desire to station defense missiles in the same area, this offer for us to develop Eagles Field property may be connected to creating a buffer zone for them to put missiles in the adjacent area without fully addressing the environmental impact or the surrounding residents, and the people of Guam will bear the cost of bringing in infrastructure such as power, roads, and water, and the lease can be designed by the military to include the safety zone required for the missile stations.

Instead of getting more transparency as promised, we are getting less. We must unite our efforts to ensure the people of Guam are not again held carrying an unfair burden for national defense. All of this, together with the discussion in the June 2023 Senate Armed Services Committee NDAA 2024 Executive Summary on the use of nuclear microreactors on Guam should unite our Governor and Congressman to demand the truth. I know I will.” 

For more information, please contact Speaker Therese M. Terlaje’s office at (671) 472-3586 or via e-mail at 


Copy of Senate Armed Services Committee NDAA Bill text, advanced on June 23, 2023; see Section 2806

Copy of Senate Armed Services Committee NDAA Bill executive summary, published June 2023; see highlighted portion

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Speaker Terlaje warns of past mistakes and encourages participation in Town Hall on proposed 360-degree EIAMD system

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (July 14, 2023 – Hagåtña, Guam)

In response to Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero’s press release entitled “Governor Leon Guerrero Instructs Agencies to Attend Legislative Town Hall”, Speaker Therese Terlaje says the following: 

“We have learned from past Department of Defense projects that without complete details during the scoping, Draft EIS, and Final EIS periods, Guam’s leaders and public cannot effectively prevent the adverse impacts to health, safety, environment, land, and culture that result from these projects. This upcoming Legislative Town Hall seeks to ensure that those past mistakes do not happen again, and that conflicting information about the 360-degree EIAMD system can be addressed. It is important that all agencies work together to ensure that our community is well-informed so that our government and public responses can be effective to protect the safety of the people of Guam.”

The Legislative Town Hall on DoD’s proposed 360-degree EIAMD system will take place on Monday, July 17, 2023 at 5:30 P.M. in the Guam Congress Building. The public is encouraged to attend and participate.  


For more information, please contact Speaker Therese M. Terlaje’s office at (671) 472-3586 or via e-mail at