Health Chair Encouraged by Increases in Contact Tracing Capacity and Urges Data Driven Decisions to Reopen Guam Businesses and Economy Safely

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (September 10, 2020 – Hagåtña, Guam) – Senator Therese Terlaje, Chair for the Committee on Health, held a critical oversight hearing today with the Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) and a confirmation hearing for the appointment of Arthur San Agustin to be Director of DPHSS.  The focus of the oversight hearing was to get a clear picture of where we are today with the department’s case investigations and contact tracing resources and its protocols regarding public disclosure of investigations to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  The Chair addressed concerns about the capacity of the department to mitigate risk through contact tracing in anticipation of opening businesses and the economy. 

The oversight chair, through several oversight hearings, meetings, and letters over the course of the last six months has consistently asked about contact tracing and the release of more information and sought action regarding these vital functions of DPHSS.

Senator Therese Terlaje stated, “Our goal has always been to ensure that DPHSS has the support it needs to effectively mitigate the impact of this virus in our community and that the public has confidence in the plans and implementation of the Department’s contact tracing efforts.” 

Recently, DPHSS has publicly stated that with the surge in positive cases, there has been a lag with the initiation of a trace investigation from a targeted 24-hour period, aligned with CDC guidelines, to 2-3 days.  The department advised that a call-out was made for help to close that gap and shared their current status and progress to address recent issues as well as short term and long-term plans for the island.

Workforce Capacity

Annette Aguon, Administrator for the Bureau of Communicable Disease Control, stated that they started out with 6 contact tracers and 6 investigators which has since increased to 20 investigators and 24 contact tracers to address the latest surge in positive cases. DPHSS is in the process of getting 14 more tracers and investigators through an Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity grant and assured the Committee that they will have sufficient human resources to meet the need and catch up on the backlog from last month’s surge.

They also have plans to multiply their efforts through a recent training at UOG in conjunction with UCSF which trained 85 individuals that can be utilized in the private sector and other government agencies. In addition, they are looking at a pilot project of a team of 5 contact tracers at UOG to give some relief to their personnel, with plans to expand.

In addition, Dr. Suzanne Kaneshiro, Public Health Officer for the Division of Public Health, advised that the Department is using federal grants to open a new Bureau of Emerging Infectious Diseases, which will be fully staffed with contact tracers, nurses and microbiologists.  Acting Director Art San Agustin is hopeful the Bureau will be fully operational next year and for the long term.


In response to inquiries from the Oversight Chair on the status of funding, Tommy Taitague, DPHSS Administrative Services Officer, advised that the Governor budgeted $313,000 of Coronavirus Relief funding for testing but it was reprogrammed for quarantine services for the first two months. An additional $397,092 was also allotted to DPHSS from this same funding source and currently is still available for the Department’s use for immediate needs and response to the pandemic.  DPHSS also submitted a supplemental request in June to the Governor for $3 M for 30 additional staff, PPE, and equipment for DPHSS divisions directly responding COVID-19.  This request was approved by the Governor but has not been allotted yet to DPHSS.

Public Health has received $6.1 M through an Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) grant and $1.2 M from a Community Health Clinic (CHC) grant.  To date, $1.1 M has been used from these two funding sources, and about $6.2 M is still available for use on contract tracing, testing, and investigations and the division through 2022.

Containment and Technology

Dr. Chima Mbakwem, Projects Coordinator in the Office of Health Care Associated Infections Epidemiology at the Bureau of Communicable Disease Control, clarified that it is important to note the role of containment with respect to contact tracing.  He stated that isolating positive cases and quarantining high-risk individuals and family members helps the contact investigation team by cutting off the infection at the point of testing by giving them time to investigate community transmission.

The SARA Alert app, an open-source tool that automates the process of public health monitoring and reporting of individuals exposed to or infected with COVID-19, is currently being used as a containment and monitoring tool for DPHSS.  In addition, this app allows for a second module to be deployed when Guam opens its doors to tourists.  This digital platform will replace the Emocha technology that will be phased out by the end of the year.

What was originally called SafePlace, or Pathcheck was launched under the name Guam COVID Alert today, which will function as another tool to help contact tracing to be more efficient and effective.

DOD Contact Tracing Data

Aguon advised that she meets weekly with representatives from AAFB, USNH, and GUNG who conduct their own contact tracing.  Civilian contacts are referred to Public Health for testing if they are overwhelmed and cases or clusters are discussed at their meetings.  Aguon advised that some delay in information was attributed to capacity limitations such as the ones we see in her bureau. DPHSS receives case summaries and breakdowns of veterans, dependents, service members which will be added in the planned weekly summaries that will be issued by the department. 

Public Disclosure of Information

After months of urging by the Committee to disclose information that would be useful to the community to determine if they are at risk of exposure, DPHSS is currently reviewing a legal opinion it received yesterday from the Attorney General regarding the public disclosure and the parameters of information that can be released to the public.  Acting Director San Agustin advised that the AG opinion recommended that disclosure of information be related to the work of contact tracing. 

With plans to streamline the daily situation report and release a weekly surveillance report that provides more information, protocols are being developed based on the recent AG opinion, that will inform the release of the type of establishments or activities where there are known COVID clusters.

Senator Therese Terlaje emphasized the importance of disclosing information immediately regarding establishments and gatherings in order to ensure the community can take necessary precautions to keep their families safe.

“All of the businesses are clamoring for this data. They want our closures to be data-driven and risk-driven” said the Senator.  She reiterated that the public will be supportive if it makes sense to them. “Residents want to know why certain businesses are closed and why certain ones are open and that all of our lockdowns are based on solid information.

The Senator closed by congratulating the department on the release of the Guam COVID Alert App today and is encouraging the community to download it.  Assurances of privacy were given by Apple and Google and the experts in the non-profit foundations and MIT.  The app will not be effective for Guam unless we get 60% of our population signed on within the next week.

To see the full public hearing, click on this link or the video below:

Senator Therese Terlaje sends letter to 35th Guam Legislature regarding DPHSS budget and Substitute Bill 282-35

September 8, 2020

Transmitted via Electronic Mail:

All Members, 35th Guam Legislature

RE: Substitute Bill 282-35

Dear Colleague,

As the oversight chair for Health, I am sharing facts regarding Substitute Bill 282-35 recently passed by this body and forwarded to the Governor for action. I have confirmed with the Director of DPHSS that the budget amount provided in Sub Bill 282-35 is enough to fund current staff and will not necessitate furloughs or reduced hours, despite threats in recent press releases or media reports. This is consistent with what OFB assured us during budget deliberations. DPHSS also told me last week that about $4 M in direct federal CARES Act funding may be used to hire 80 to 90 additional staff to respond to their needs related to COVID-19 response. In addition to this direct federal funding, DPHSS has yet to receive from the Governor the supplemental request made by former Director Linda Denorcey in June for $3 M in Coronavirus Relief Funds to support its divisions, like the  Division of Environmental Health or Division of Senior Citizens who provide services on the frontlines or enforce the mandates under the public health emergency.

During discussion on the Public Health budget section, DPHSS testified and I also confirmed last week again with the Department that while the local funding amounts in the original Sub Bill were not adequate to meet the Medicaid match, the anticipated prior year lapses for Medicaid and MIP, included in the bill as amended, should be enough to match and access the full federal Medicaid amount of $129 M for FY 2021. The local match appropriation for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is about $2 M less than what is needed to access the full federal CHIP potential, however, Sub Bill 282 provides the same amount of funding that BBMR proposed in its rebuttal budget to OFB for CHIP. As described during budget deliberations, DPHSS must receive its lapses and transfer authority as provided by law and reaffirmed by Sub Bill 282, as amended, to maximize Medicaid, CHIP and MIP during FY 2021 for the many displaced workers who may have lost jobs and health insurance.

OFB estimated that the Governor’s 15% transfer authority would equal approximately $27 M and would be more than adequate to meet the $2.5 M overall shortfall for DPHSS compared to FY 2020.

As I repeatedly stated during our budget deliberations, prioritizing DPHSS is imperative to getting the island through this public health emergency, taking care of our residents, reopening our schools and businesses safely, and bringing back our tourists. However, I do not believe it is prudent to merely pretend to fund agencies or balance the budget by adopting higher revenues than what could be justified by OFB amidst all of the economic uncertainty. The Legislature must act reasonably under the current circumstances to hold government spending within its means and not exacerbate the challenges we face in making debt payments, prompt payment of tax refunds, the provision of healthcare and critical services and to meet the new challenges families face because of the months-long health emergency. There was some support for my proposed amendment to the budget that attempted to appropriate an additional $6 M for DPHSS operations on a quarterly basis based on actual excess collections of quarterly withholding and corporate revenues, but ultimately that failed. This option would have ensured additional revenues are appropriated to DPHSS on a quarterly basis but only when and if they are actually collected, and should be considered anew by the Legislature moving forward.

I plan to introduce this option again as a separate bill and have other proposed legislation that may tap other possible funding sources for DPHSS’ needs. Thus far there have only been four options presented with the FY 2021 budget and that is to either (1) adopt higher revenues than what OFB is predicting, (2) take any excess revenues each quarter and appropriate to DPHSS as the actual revenues come in, (3) allow the Governor to transfer funds from other parts of the budget to meet any shortfalls or (4) cut more than the $64.6 M already being cut from agencies. The bill as amended also allows the Legislature to examine excess revenues on a continuing basis and appropriate those collections as needed. We all must continue to look for alternate ways to assist DPHSS beyond the limited options discussed during our budget deliberations.

Sub Bill 282 with its $64.6 M in spending cuts from FY 2020 is by no means the easy way out.  Yet it attempts to reflect the gravity of our current economic conditions, and provides tools for maximum flexibility under the circumstances by allowing the Governor to transfer approximately $27 M to any agency in need, envisions the continued use of CARES Act and federal stimulus to supplement public health and safety requirements, and allows for focused allocation of excess collections on a quarterly basis during FY 2021 to meet the critical needs of our community yet without appropriating beyond our proven means.

It is important as we move forward in addressing any shortfalls in the budget that actual facts and figures are used from the agencies impacted, and that misdirection and intimidation are left out of the budget process.


Therese M. Terlaje

CC: Art San Agustin, Director, Department of Public Health and Social Services

Oversight Chair on Health Addresses Public Health Concerns As Legislature Adopts FY 2021 Budget

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (September 1, 2020 – Hagåtña, Guam) 

After months of hearings and weeks of budget discussions, the FY 2021 budget passed with a vote of 13 – 2.  Senator Therese Terlaje, the Oversight Chair for the Committee on Health, Tourism, Historic Preservation, Land and Justice, voted in favor of Bill 282-35 as substituted by the Committee on Appropriations.

We should all be horrified that Public Health was not the priority of the original bill in the middle of a pandemic. A $66 million cut across the board would definitely impact services provided by the government of Guam, but it should not have been on the back of the very department that we must trust to get the island through this public health emergency, take care of our residents, reopen our schools and businesses safely and bring back our tourists. “We tried our best to support the projections of the Office of Finance and Budget, with or without the cooperation of the administration, but the bill in its original form would have left the Department of Public Health and Social Services budget with a $13 M shortfall in operations and short on the local match to ensure Guam accessed the full availability for Medicaid insurance,” said Terlaje.

“Through our amendments, we fully funded the Medicaid local match according to DPHSS testimony and restored approximately $1.4 M to DPHSS operations. We removed all earmarks from other Public Health funds except Medicaid allowing them flexibility and leaving them overall a total of only $2.1 M less than FY20,” stated the Health Committee Chair. The Senator attempted to dedicate an additional $6M for DPHSS operations through quarterly excesses in withholding and corporate revenues, but ultimately that failed, noting that additional funding sources will be sought through the rest of the term and faith will have to be placed in the Governor to utilize federal funding and her 15% transfer authority of approximately $27M to shore up $11M in public health operations during the emergency.

The Oversight Chair also noted that GMH will be receiving $750,000 more than in FY20 to improve patient care and safety, that it is authorized to hire nurses and respiratory therapists without limitation, and that it will be paid 2.8 million for services provided to DOC.

Senator Terlaje stressed that Public Health must succeed in FY21 as the safety net when all other possibilities have failed:  in rapid tracing and isolating the COVID virus, in inspections and guidelines for the safe opening of businesses in our new economy, providing childcare so parents can work, safe guidelines for schools, the prevention of cancer and diabetes  that are killing our people too early,  expanded community health centers and health insurance, and food for families who have lost their income.

In closing, Senator Terlaje stated, “For Public Health and all agencies to succeed despite the cuts, we must wisely use the transparency and flexibility tools provided to us by this bill, as a legislature and as a government, to act swiftly and focused and to work together for all of our community who are counting on us.”

Other amendments Senator Terlaje incorporated into the Budget include:

Prioritized the Guam Memorial Hospital and Fought for DPHSS Operations

  • Funded and support for the hiring of nurses, public health personnel, respiratory therapists, contact tracers and investigators along with other health professionals for frontline agencies with required reporting for accountability
  • Authorization for DPHSS to utilize all unexpended balances
  • Removed restrictions on funding MIP and carried forward lapses for MIP and Medicaid to ensure maximum access to federal match
  • Gave transfer authority to DPHSS, providing flexibility to address shortfalls as needed
  • Prioritized DPHSS for any excess revenue from the Healthy Futures Fund
  • No cuts to GMH Operations from FY20
  • Ensured the payment to GMH for health services provided to DOC
  • Supported a fee study allowing for the alignment of GMH rates and fees with Medicare rates
  • Carried over the appropriation of $10 million for the GMHA Capital Improvement Fund which remains unpaid from FY2020

Alignment of Judicial Agencies and Protection of Funding Sources

  • Supported access to qualified and experienced attorneys for the Judicial Branch
  • Carried forward lapses for indigent defense to ensure full funding for Public Defender Service Corporation and Alternate Public Defender
  • Protected the Victim/Witness Housing/Travel Fund

Accountability Measures for the Government of Guam

  • Supported the public vetting of exemption to the ban on hiring a lobbyist
  • Ensured public scrutiny of bond refinancing
  • Mandated the reporting of payments toward prior year obligations for increased transparency 
  • Narrowed authorized travel adding accountability measures
  • Pushed for progress past the planning stage by appropriating funds for the construction phase of Simon Sanchez High School

Support and Protection for Land and Historic Preservation

  • Provided CLTC access to legal services for non-litigation and land registration matters
  • Protections for CLTC Survey and Infrastructure Fund
  • Appropriated excess Tourist Attraction Fund revenue to DPR for the maintenance of restroom facilities, public parks, cultural sites, and the Guam Historic Resources Division

Rebuilding Tourism

  • Lump-sum funding and the carry forward of lapses for greater flexibility for GVB
  • Aligned public law for GVB procurement to correct audit deficiencies
  • Protects GVB’s access to Tourist Attraction Funds at the end of the Fiscal Year

Terlaje: Prioritize any Excess Revenues to Support Public Health Efforts

FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (August 24, 2020- Hagåtña, Guam)

During today’s budget hearing, Senator Therese Terlaje attempted to lock up any excess revenues collected under withholding and corporate taxes for the Department of Public Health and Social Services in FY 2021.  The proposed amendment would have appropriated all fiscal year 2021 withholding and corporate income tax revenues collected per quarter in excess of the revenue level adopted (or ‘revenue budgeted’) for that quarter as reflected on the monthly CRER to the Department of Public Health and Social Services for expansion of its environmental health inspections, its other regulatory purposes and other DPHSS operations, but not to exceed $6 million for the entire fiscal year.

“We are being tasked to make hard decisions and difficult cuts.  The Office of Finance of Budget has cut DPHSS by $3.5 million overall and $13 million in operations, and the Department is still short $9.8 million to fund our full match in Medicaid and $2 million in CHIP. This amendment simply ensures that if there is excess revenue, that it is appropriated to the agency that is going to continue to get us through this health emergency for their operations over any other priority of the Government of Guam,” stated Senator Therese Terlaje.

Senator Terlaje further stated, “If we don’t lock this money up right now for public health we may never see it again.  Last year we appropriated $10 million in excess revenues from FY 2019 for capital improvements at GMH and have yet to see these funds transferred by the administration, even though it was signed into the FY 2020 budget law and there was more than $30 million in excess revenues available.”

During the discussion, Senator Terlaje noted that the current substitute bill for FY 2021 appropriates $13 million less for DPHSS operations than what was earmarked in FY 2020 for the basic operations of public health that could not be funded by new CARES grant funding.

The Terlaje amendment failed with 7 votes in favor and 8 votes against.  Senator Therese Terlaje thanks Vice Speaker Nelson, Legislative Secretary Shelton, Minority Leader Senator Taitague, Senator Perez, Senator Moylan, and Senator Castro for their support on the amendment.

Senator Therese Terlaje co-sponsors bill to ensure all purchases made under emergency powers go through established procurement processes


Senator Perez Introduces Bill to Clarify Emergency Health Powers and Create Task Force

Hagåtña, Guam – On July 30, 2020, Bill No. 386-35 (COR), introduced by Senator Sabina Perez and co-sponsored by Senator Therese Terlaje, will tie emergency health powers to local procurement law and create a public health emergency purchasing task force.

During the coronavirus pandemic, the government of Guam cited its emergency health powers to bypass traditional emergency procurement laws when contracting quarantine facilities. Emergency procurement laws are intended to provide a means of speeding up the process by which the government purchases goods and services during an emergency, while still maintaining safeguards to prevent abuse or waste. Following the local decision to utilize emergency health powers instead of emergency procurement law to contract hotels, it was found that several facilities were paid for prior to securing signed contracts.

“The initial procurement of the quarantine facilities underscores the need to update our laws to ensure the entire government is on the same page,” said Senator Perez. “We cannot continue to have differing interpretations of the law. Bill 386-35 ensures consistent application of procurement processes when emergency health powers are declared, improves transparency, and holds accountable those involved in the procurement process,” Senator Perez added.

Bill 386-35 clarifies that all purchases made under emergency powers must go through established procurement processes. By having emergency purchases conducted within the scope allowed by procurement law, the bill closes the loophole of purchases being made without proper safeguards. The procurement law is intended to protect the people’s money and ensure that government is following the law.

Bill 386-35 also creates a task force that must be ready to respond in the midst of an emergency, such as the pandemic, and also prepare for future emergencies. This task force, which includes the Chief Procurement Officer, will be responsible for all procurement, management and staffing of the procurement for all supplies and services needed to address a public health emergency. “This task force will facilitate communication with frontline agencies and the Governor and respond to the needs of agencies and the community during the pandemic,” said Senator Perez.

The bill requires that properly trained procurement personnel be involved from the start of an emergency. This ensures procurement decisions are not made in isolation by one branch, but collectively by the task force.

“I want to sincerely thank Senator Perez for holding an oversight hearing on the emergency procurement conducted during the COVID-19 health emergency and for introducing this legislation. The oversight hearing uncovered the blatant disregard of Guam’s procurement law. I understand we were in an unprecedented health emergency at the time, but we have faced many other emergencies before and managed to work within the law. Our government must do better at adapting and improving emergency procurement rather than ignoring it,” stated Senator Therese Terlaje.

“During these uncertain times, it is even more critical that our government utilizes public funds wisely. Our local procurement laws safeguard public funds through transparency and accountability measures. As a result, it is essential that government officials work for the public good by upholding and implementing our local procurement laws,” said Senator Perez.

Senator Therese Terlaje takes time this Liberation Day to support our veterans, GY671 and Freedom Grinderz as they cycle and March to Ypao Beach.

Got Your 671 (GY671), a community of veterans, in partnership with the Freedom Grinderz — comprised of avid cyclists, many of whom are veterans and serve in the Guam Army and Air National Guard – hosted a first-ever “Never leave a Fallen Comrade” combined Foot March and Bike Ride commemorating Guam’s Liberation Day, raising awareness about veteran suicide and combat-related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

It will took place on Liberation Day, July 21, 2020, with a 22 combined mile march/ride starting simultaneously at 6:00 a.m. from 2 points — 11 miles from the Andersen Airforce Base front gate and 11 miles from the Navy Base front gate and ending at Ypao Beach Park in Tumon. The 22-mile march is representative of the national average number of veterans who commit suicide a day.

Senator Therese Terlaje and staff set up two water stations along the 11 mile route from Navy Base to Ypao Beach to support the marcher and bike riders.

Biba Guam!!! Biba Liberation!!!

Joint Oversight for DPHSS Addresses Critical Concerns

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (May 8, 2020 – Hagåtña, Guam) – Senator Therese Terlaje, Chair for the Committee on Health, and Senator Joe San Agustin, Chair for the Committee on Appropriations, held a critical oversight hearing today with the Department of Public Health and Social Services.  Attending the hearing along with senators from the committee were key staff of the DPHSS including its Director, Linda DeNorcey.

The main purpose of the oversight was to hear whether the Department had sufficient resources, including funds, staff and supplies, to be able to handle its continuing role in COVID response, risk mitigation, and recovery efforts as businesses and government services re-open.  This would gain a better understanding of the department’s available resources through the fiscal year and how federal funds may impact programs. 

The hearing particularly focused on whether personnel, equipment, supplies and allocations to DPHSS in the recent CARES budget prepared by BBMR are sufficient to respond to increased demand for public assistance, ensure testing capacity to support safe reopening of the community, and prompt contact tracing capacity to swiftly quell any spread.

Public Assistance

Tess Arcangel, Chief Human Services Administrator, clarified the eligibility and processing status of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) applications, stating that only income levels, citizenship and residency are considered.  An applicant must meet the income threshold of 165% of the federal poverty level and must be a US Citizen or legal alien.

If an applicant has lost hours or is unemployed, Public Health can cross check with the unemployment list provided by the Department of Labor or the applicant may attest to it under penalty of federal law.  Most applications are being processed within 24 hours.  Benefits may be uploaded and available within the same day.

According to DPHSS, SNAP recipients already qualify for the recently launched Prugåman Salåppe’ Ayudon I Taotao.  The list of eligible recipients has been provided to the Department of Administration for assistance checks to be cut.  New applications for the program are available for those who may not currently be on the SNAP program and residents are encouraged to apply if they meet the requirements.

Medicaid and MIP are also available to cover those who may have lost health insurance coverage due to unemployment. Senator Telo Taitague noted special concerns over the current appropriation for the MIP program as the $ 4.4 million dollars has already been spent.  Although $3 million was put back into the program with the expansion of Medicaid funding, there may still not be enough funding to carry through to the end of the fiscal year.


Specific attention was paid to the role of the Department and its Director with respect to her authority under the Islan Guahan Emergency Health Powers Act under 10 GCA Chapter 19.  Although Section 19502 of the statute gives the director clear authority over procurement of facilities, she clarified her role has been procurement within DPHSS for supplies and contractual services with all requisitions routed through General Services Agency (GSA) and that she did not procure any of the services for isolation and quarantine facilities.

CARES Act and Funding

Director DeNorcey and Tommy Taitague, Administrative Services Officer, advised that there is a total of $16 million in awards from multiple federal grants that will cover various programs including senior citizens, crisis response and emergency preparedness.

There were concerns raised by the committee with regard to how the nominal $397,000 proposed in the government CARES Act budget would be expended.  Tommy Taitague shared that it is a partial reimbursement of $1.2 million already expended.  The request provided to BBMR only included expenses already incurred, but did not include projected expenses because they will be availing of federal grants.  When asked by the Chair if the money was enough to fulfill the agencies requirements to keep us safe, he admitted he was uncertain and that personnel costs were coming from the DOA allotment of $22 million to cover hazard pay but overtime could possibly come from the agency’s existing budget.

Enforcement of PCOR2

DPHSS created guidelines for which businesses could open under Pandemic Condition of Readiness 2 (PCOR2) as outlined in DPHSS Memo 2020-07.  Guidance has also been assembled which would provide those businesses with criteria on how to safely operate by implementing social distancing policies, required training, signage and the proper sanitizing of high traffic and high touch areas.

Senator Terlaje inquired about the role and available resources of the Division of Environmental Health (DEH) with regard to enforcement of these new reopening guidelines.  Tom Nadeau, Director of the Division of Environmental Health advised they don’t have enforcement authority for pandemic operational guidelines with the exception of businesses that fall under the Guam Food Code, and that they remain at the same staffing levels as before the pandemic.

There are no current plans by DPHSS to increase enforcement personnel and the division has traditionally been understaffed to meet their inspection mandates and public expectation.  Director DeNorcey advised that the federal funding is very specific to the grants that have been awarded, with none going to DEH.

Residents may call the department to report violations or concerns about these operational guidelines and the calls will be dispatched to the proper division.

Division of Senior Citizens

Most of the programs for Senior Citizens are in operation, according to Arthur San Agustin, Administrator of the Division of Senior Citizens, including meal deliveries, transportation and caregiver support.  There is a significant spike in services such as the nutrition program and food delivery program.  Though the division is understaffed, funding has been received from both the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and the CARES Act to enhance support services which includes the need to modify operations to comply with new health and safety guidelines.

Contact Tracing

Funding has been identified for hiring to expand investigations, contact tracing and surveillance, according to Annette Aguon, Contagious Disease Coordinator.  Cross training of existing employees and cooperation with the University of Guam was also being added for scalability of the program, as needed.

Aguon also advised that with the increase in staffing, it currently takes 1-2 days to complete an investigation which includes the home, workplace or community settings of a positive patient.

COVID-19 Testing Capacity

GeneXpert and ABI 7500 testing modules are currently being utilized by the public health lab.  The test kits are being ordered from the CDC with a weekly allowance being disbursed, although there have been shipping delays.  The department advised that even if there is a low supply of test kits, it shouldn’t prohibit testing because Diagnostic Laboratory Services continues to operate.  In addition, GRMC and GMH have also expanded testing capacity for the island.

Validation testing for samples tested with the Abbott ID module proved that the 1 ml transport medium did not affect the testing.  The machine was moved to the northern facility as recent guidance issued by the manufacturer requires swabbing to be done on the spot with samples tested immediately.

5000 more test kits will be arriving and DPHSS is coordinating activities with another company that would assist with expanding testing capacity to 1000 units per day.

In response to an inquiry from Speaker Barnes, Director DeNorcey confirmed that she disallowed the use of non-FDA approved tests.  Dr. Janna Manglona of DPHSS confirmed that EUA tests can be used according to the Physician’s Advisory Group.

“I recognize the huge burden that has been placed upon DPHSS to keep us all safe through this pandemic. I’m thankful for the director, division heads and all the hard-working staff for the proactive team approach they have taken to address this public health crisis on top of existing critical health and public welfare mandates.  The attendance and concern expressed by my colleagues at the hearing echo the public’s concern that DPHSS be able to attain the supplies, personnel, and other help it needs to adequately address the continuing health risk and expanded safety precautions going forward,” stated the Oversight Chair.


Statement from Senator Therese Terlaje on the passage of FY2020 Budget Bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (August 31, 2019)– This budget is not perfect, it still has some fat and some agencies will be hard pressed to achieve more than the status quo. We will have to rely not just on management, but also on every government employee to find efficiencies.

But this budget does have some good things in it. This budget adds 50 new police officers, if everybody can do their part to get those processed.

It also adds money to expand our children’s shelter and get at least 24 more of the 200+ homeless children safely off the street, and to support the Autism Shelter.

This budget sets aside for tax refunds, and sets aside a rainy day fund for reduction of the deficit.

This budget allows flexibility for the Governor in areas where there may be critical shortfalls and for DPW to focus on the roads.

This budget also locks up $10-million for the first time in years toward repairs and safety, and CMS approval at the Guam Memorial Hospital while we confirm the long-term plan. I hope in good faith that this money does not get diverted.

All the rest, we will have to work harder on throughout the year.

I would like to thank my colleagues for their debate of the issues and support of sometimes controversial amendments. I would like to thank the Office and Finance and Budget and the Legislature’s staff for their hard work.

Most importantly, I would also like to thank the people of Guam for their attention and for continuing to care about our island and government. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and advice with us throughout this entire process. Together, with focus and hard work, we can go forward and address even those long-standing challenges one by one. I humbly ask that you never stop asking questions and never stop expecting better.

Si Yu’os Ma’åse’

Senator Therese Terlaje’s amendment to cut Legislature’s budget for medical equipment ruled out of order

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (August 29, 2019) — Hoping to lead by example, Committee on Health Chairperson Senator Therese M. Terlaje’s attempted amendment to cut the Guam Legislature’s budget in order to purchase medical equipment is ruled out of order.

Because the FY2020 appropriations for the Guam Legislature is above the FY2019 levels, Senator Terlaje moved to cut $424,345 and appropriate the funding to the Guam Memorial Hospital for medical equipment and supplies including an anesthesia machine and dialysis machine. The amendment was co-sponsored by Senator Amanda Shelton and Senator Sabina Perez.

With all due respect, everyone is working hard. We have seen a reduction in salary below many people in the Government of Guam, and we’re all in need of more staff. However, when we look at many of our government agencies, like GMH and DOE, who we’ve asked to tow the lines to 2019 levels with a reduced budget, we have to do the same in the Guam Legislature.

Senator Therese M. Terlaje, Committee on Health Chairperson

The attempted amendment was ruled out of order by the chairperson since it was not offered while on the page for the Guam Legislature’s budget. A motion to overrule did not receive enough senatorial votes.

While the amendment was not included in the budget bill, Senator Terlaje plans to introduce legislation regarding this proposal.

Lawmakers completed discussion on Bill 186-35 and rose from the Committee of the Whole. The budget bill was placed in the voting file. Session vote will resume Saturday, August 31, 2019 at 9:30pm.

Senator Therese Terlaje amends the budget bill to address GMH critical projects

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (August 28, 2019)– Committee on Health Chairperson Senator Therese M. Terlaje thanks her colleagues for their unanimous support in moving forward with a budget bill amendment to help the Guam Memorial Hospital. 

A day after being shut down for trying to lock up potential Fiscal Year 2020 excess revenues, Senator Terlaje amended the budget bill to provide $10-million of excess Fiscal Year 2019 income tax and business privilege tax revenues and deposit into a newly created Hospital Capital Improvement. Use of these funds require a public hearing and legislative appropriation. The amendment passed late Tuesday night during session. 

The latest version of the budget bill only appropriates $28-million to GMH primarily for operations. Bill 186-35 did NOT address GMH’s critical Capital Improvement Projects. GMH outlined $57-million worth of CIP; however set its top three priorities including a new electronic health records (EHR) system, electrical panel replacement, and structural roof repair. The EHR system is estimated to cost $21.8-million, the electrical panel at $6-million, and the structural roof repair at $5-million. These projects have been looming for years and are critical mandates raised by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). 

According to the latest Consolidated Revenue and Expenditure Reports and further confirmed by the Bureau of Budget and Management Research during session, GovGuam is “tracking $14-million in revenue above the amounts appropriated for the general fund,” with two more months to go (until the end of FY2019). 

These projects are critical, and not a luxury. We can’t look the other way when we know there are critical issues that need to be addressed at Guam’s only public hospital. While these excess funds won’t address all of GMH’s critical projects, it’s a start to get at least one done for sure. With concerns raised by CMS, and more importantly the safety and care of our patients and doctors at risk, I want to thank my colleagues for prioritizing health and addressing these issues that have been ongoing for years.

Senator Therese M. Terlaje, Committee on Health Chairperson