Senator Therese Terlaje sends letter to 35th Guam Legislature regarding DPHSS budget and Substitute Bill 282-35

September 8, 2020

Transmitted via Electronic Mail:

All Members, 35th Guam Legislature

RE: Substitute Bill 282-35

Dear Colleague,

As the oversight chair for Health, I am sharing facts regarding Substitute Bill 282-35 recently passed by this body and forwarded to the Governor for action. I have confirmed with the Director of DPHSS that the budget amount provided in Sub Bill 282-35 is enough to fund current staff and will not necessitate furloughs or reduced hours, despite threats in recent press releases or media reports. This is consistent with what OFB assured us during budget deliberations. DPHSS also told me last week that about $4 M in direct federal CARES Act funding may be used to hire 80 to 90 additional staff to respond to their needs related to COVID-19 response. In addition to this direct federal funding, DPHSS has yet to receive from the Governor the supplemental request made by former Director Linda Denorcey in June for $3 M in Coronavirus Relief Funds to support its divisions, like the  Division of Environmental Health or Division of Senior Citizens who provide services on the frontlines or enforce the mandates under the public health emergency.

During discussion on the Public Health budget section, DPHSS testified and I also confirmed last week again with the Department that while the local funding amounts in the original Sub Bill were not adequate to meet the Medicaid match, the anticipated prior year lapses for Medicaid and MIP, included in the bill as amended, should be enough to match and access the full federal Medicaid amount of $129 M for FY 2021. The local match appropriation for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is about $2 M less than what is needed to access the full federal CHIP potential, however, Sub Bill 282 provides the same amount of funding that BBMR proposed in its rebuttal budget to OFB for CHIP. As described during budget deliberations, DPHSS must receive its lapses and transfer authority as provided by law and reaffirmed by Sub Bill 282, as amended, to maximize Medicaid, CHIP and MIP during FY 2021 for the many displaced workers who may have lost jobs and health insurance.

OFB estimated that the Governor’s 15% transfer authority would equal approximately $27 M and would be more than adequate to meet the $2.5 M overall shortfall for DPHSS compared to FY 2020.

As I repeatedly stated during our budget deliberations, prioritizing DPHSS is imperative to getting the island through this public health emergency, taking care of our residents, reopening our schools and businesses safely, and bringing back our tourists. However, I do not believe it is prudent to merely pretend to fund agencies or balance the budget by adopting higher revenues than what could be justified by OFB amidst all of the economic uncertainty. The Legislature must act reasonably under the current circumstances to hold government spending within its means and not exacerbate the challenges we face in making debt payments, prompt payment of tax refunds, the provision of healthcare and critical services and to meet the new challenges families face because of the months-long health emergency. There was some support for my proposed amendment to the budget that attempted to appropriate an additional $6 M for DPHSS operations on a quarterly basis based on actual excess collections of quarterly withholding and corporate revenues, but ultimately that failed. This option would have ensured additional revenues are appropriated to DPHSS on a quarterly basis but only when and if they are actually collected, and should be considered anew by the Legislature moving forward.

I plan to introduce this option again as a separate bill and have other proposed legislation that may tap other possible funding sources for DPHSS’ needs. Thus far there have only been four options presented with the FY 2021 budget and that is to either (1) adopt higher revenues than what OFB is predicting, (2) take any excess revenues each quarter and appropriate to DPHSS as the actual revenues come in, (3) allow the Governor to transfer funds from other parts of the budget to meet any shortfalls or (4) cut more than the $64.6 M already being cut from agencies. The bill as amended also allows the Legislature to examine excess revenues on a continuing basis and appropriate those collections as needed. We all must continue to look for alternate ways to assist DPHSS beyond the limited options discussed during our budget deliberations.

Sub Bill 282 with its $64.6 M in spending cuts from FY 2020 is by no means the easy way out.  Yet it attempts to reflect the gravity of our current economic conditions, and provides tools for maximum flexibility under the circumstances by allowing the Governor to transfer approximately $27 M to any agency in need, envisions the continued use of CARES Act and federal stimulus to supplement public health and safety requirements, and allows for focused allocation of excess collections on a quarterly basis during FY 2021 to meet the critical needs of our community yet without appropriating beyond our proven means.

It is important as we move forward in addressing any shortfalls in the budget that actual facts and figures are used from the agencies impacted, and that misdirection and intimidation are left out of the budget process.


Therese M. Terlaje

CC: Art San Agustin, Director, Department of Public Health and Social Services

Oversight Chair on Health Addresses Public Health Concerns As Legislature Adopts FY 2021 Budget

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (September 1, 2020 – Hagåtña, Guam) 

After months of hearings and weeks of budget discussions, the FY 2021 budget passed with a vote of 13 – 2.  Senator Therese Terlaje, the Oversight Chair for the Committee on Health, Tourism, Historic Preservation, Land and Justice, voted in favor of Bill 282-35 as substituted by the Committee on Appropriations.

We should all be horrified that Public Health was not the priority of the original bill in the middle of a pandemic. A $66 million cut across the board would definitely impact services provided by the government of Guam, but it should not have been on the back of the very department that we must trust to get the island through this public health emergency, take care of our residents, reopen our schools and businesses safely and bring back our tourists. “We tried our best to support the projections of the Office of Finance and Budget, with or without the cooperation of the administration, but the bill in its original form would have left the Department of Public Health and Social Services budget with a $13 M shortfall in operations and short on the local match to ensure Guam accessed the full availability for Medicaid insurance,” said Terlaje.

“Through our amendments, we fully funded the Medicaid local match according to DPHSS testimony and restored approximately $1.4 M to DPHSS operations. We removed all earmarks from other Public Health funds except Medicaid allowing them flexibility and leaving them overall a total of only $2.1 M less than FY20,” stated the Health Committee Chair. The Senator attempted to dedicate an additional $6M for DPHSS operations through quarterly excesses in withholding and corporate revenues, but ultimately that failed, noting that additional funding sources will be sought through the rest of the term and faith will have to be placed in the Governor to utilize federal funding and her 15% transfer authority of approximately $27M to shore up $11M in public health operations during the emergency.

The Oversight Chair also noted that GMH will be receiving $750,000 more than in FY20 to improve patient care and safety, that it is authorized to hire nurses and respiratory therapists without limitation, and that it will be paid 2.8 million for services provided to DOC.

Senator Terlaje stressed that Public Health must succeed in FY21 as the safety net when all other possibilities have failed:  in rapid tracing and isolating the COVID virus, in inspections and guidelines for the safe opening of businesses in our new economy, providing childcare so parents can work, safe guidelines for schools, the prevention of cancer and diabetes  that are killing our people too early,  expanded community health centers and health insurance, and food for families who have lost their income.

In closing, Senator Terlaje stated, “For Public Health and all agencies to succeed despite the cuts, we must wisely use the transparency and flexibility tools provided to us by this bill, as a legislature and as a government, to act swiftly and focused and to work together for all of our community who are counting on us.”

Other amendments Senator Terlaje incorporated into the Budget include:

Prioritized the Guam Memorial Hospital and Fought for DPHSS Operations

  • Funded and support for the hiring of nurses, public health personnel, respiratory therapists, contact tracers and investigators along with other health professionals for frontline agencies with required reporting for accountability
  • Authorization for DPHSS to utilize all unexpended balances
  • Removed restrictions on funding MIP and carried forward lapses for MIP and Medicaid to ensure maximum access to federal match
  • Gave transfer authority to DPHSS, providing flexibility to address shortfalls as needed
  • Prioritized DPHSS for any excess revenue from the Healthy Futures Fund
  • No cuts to GMH Operations from FY20
  • Ensured the payment to GMH for health services provided to DOC
  • Supported a fee study allowing for the alignment of GMH rates and fees with Medicare rates
  • Carried over the appropriation of $10 million for the GMHA Capital Improvement Fund which remains unpaid from FY2020

Alignment of Judicial Agencies and Protection of Funding Sources

  • Supported access to qualified and experienced attorneys for the Judicial Branch
  • Carried forward lapses for indigent defense to ensure full funding for Public Defender Service Corporation and Alternate Public Defender
  • Protected the Victim/Witness Housing/Travel Fund

Accountability Measures for the Government of Guam

  • Supported the public vetting of exemption to the ban on hiring a lobbyist
  • Ensured public scrutiny of bond refinancing
  • Mandated the reporting of payments toward prior year obligations for increased transparency 
  • Narrowed authorized travel adding accountability measures
  • Pushed for progress past the planning stage by appropriating funds for the construction phase of Simon Sanchez High School

Support and Protection for Land and Historic Preservation

  • Provided CLTC access to legal services for non-litigation and land registration matters
  • Protections for CLTC Survey and Infrastructure Fund
  • Appropriated excess Tourist Attraction Fund revenue to DPR for the maintenance of restroom facilities, public parks, cultural sites, and the Guam Historic Resources Division

Rebuilding Tourism

  • Lump-sum funding and the carry forward of lapses for greater flexibility for GVB
  • Aligned public law for GVB procurement to correct audit deficiencies
  • Protects GVB’s access to Tourist Attraction Funds at the end of the Fiscal Year

Terlaje: Prioritize any Excess Revenues to Support Public Health Efforts

FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (August 24, 2020- Hagåtña, Guam)

During today’s budget hearing, Senator Therese Terlaje attempted to lock up any excess revenues collected under withholding and corporate taxes for the Department of Public Health and Social Services in FY 2021.  The proposed amendment would have appropriated all fiscal year 2021 withholding and corporate income tax revenues collected per quarter in excess of the revenue level adopted (or ‘revenue budgeted’) for that quarter as reflected on the monthly CRER to the Department of Public Health and Social Services for expansion of its environmental health inspections, its other regulatory purposes and other DPHSS operations, but not to exceed $6 million for the entire fiscal year.

“We are being tasked to make hard decisions and difficult cuts.  The Office of Finance of Budget has cut DPHSS by $3.5 million overall and $13 million in operations, and the Department is still short $9.8 million to fund our full match in Medicaid and $2 million in CHIP. This amendment simply ensures that if there is excess revenue, that it is appropriated to the agency that is going to continue to get us through this health emergency for their operations over any other priority of the Government of Guam,” stated Senator Therese Terlaje.

Senator Terlaje further stated, “If we don’t lock this money up right now for public health we may never see it again.  Last year we appropriated $10 million in excess revenues from FY 2019 for capital improvements at GMH and have yet to see these funds transferred by the administration, even though it was signed into the FY 2020 budget law and there was more than $30 million in excess revenues available.”

During the discussion, Senator Terlaje noted that the current substitute bill for FY 2021 appropriates $13 million less for DPHSS operations than what was earmarked in FY 2020 for the basic operations of public health that could not be funded by new CARES grant funding.

The Terlaje amendment failed with 7 votes in favor and 8 votes against.  Senator Therese Terlaje thanks Vice Speaker Nelson, Legislative Secretary Shelton, Minority Leader Senator Taitague, Senator Perez, Senator Moylan, and Senator Castro for their support on the amendment.

Three Senators Push for Progress on Simon Sanchez High School

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (August 20, 2020 – Hagåtña, Guam) – During Fiscal Year 2021 budget discussions at the Guam Legislature today, Senator Therese Terlaje passed an amendment that would put $500,000 away for the physical construction for Simon Sanchez High School.  While previous efforts were directed at financing an Owner’s Agent Engineer and Architectural & Engineering Services, Senator Terlaje received the support of her colleagues to get one step closer to building a new home for the Sharks.

“After ten years of unsuitable conditions and numerous delays in procurement, the students and teachers deserve some good news and some tangible progress for their new campus,” stated Senator Terlaje.

Former high school teacher, Vice Speaker Telena Nelson, passed her own provision that would commit the money to Simon Sanchez by ensuring the funding was non-transferable.  In prior years, appropriations for SSHS were diverted by GDOE to operations when Territorial Educational Facilities Funds were short.

Additionally, Senator Sabina Perez passed an amendment that would require quarterly reporting from the Department of Education on progress moving forward which would include a listing of projects awarded, projects that have been put out for bid, a detailed ledger of the expenses for the rebuild, and the current status of the rebuild.

Senator Perez stated, “As a former teacher at Simon Sanchez High School, I understand first-hand the unhealthy, demoralizing facilities our hardworking students and teachers contend with on a daily basis. No child should ever need to cope with mold and leaky roofs when trying to learn. However, while all agree a new school is needed, it’s been over ten years and the long-promised construction of a new Simon Sanchez High School still hasn’t broken ground.

Today, my colleagues and I passed three amendments to increase transparency and ensure progress towards building the learning environment our students and teachers deserve. We fight for this cause because our students and teachers need us, and we must do everything in our power to build a new home for the Sharks.  We owe it to our island’s children to build them a school worthy of their limitless potential”

Budget discussions resume for the Guam Legislature in the Committee on Appropriations and can be viewed on local television, GTA Channel 21, Docomo Channel 117/60.4, and online via I Liheslaturan Guåhan’s live feed on Youtube.


FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (July 30, 2020- Hagåtña, Guam)

I join the Governor in supporting the State Historic Preservation Officer’s decision to invoke his authority to halt any clearing of the site designated for a Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range in order to preserve our historic sites in place.  We already know in the adjacent areas that 14 known historic properties have already been cleared of all artifacts, 9 sites at the complex containing human remains and 6 sites containing historic artifacts were inadvertently discovered, and approximately eighty other known historic properties and the adjacent village of Litekyan will be impacted by the proposed LFTRC site,” states Senator Therese Terlaje.

Senator Therese Terlaje further states, “I encourage the SHPO to use this as an opportunity to negotiate a plan to preserve in place our artifacts and human remains in this obviously historic and culturally significant area without destroying the context and cultural landscape of our history.  Surely, the DoD can adjust their plans and use their resources to come up with alternatives to clearing this area while still meeting their training objectives.”

Site P-735 of the Live Fire Training Range Complex is the largest of the firing ranges which spans 59 acres.

Click this link for a copy of Resolution No. 164-35, which was overwhelmingly passed by the Legislature last year.  The resolution includes additional reasons to call for a pause to the clearing, pre-construction, data recovery, and construction activities related to the U.S. Department of the Navy’s proposed Live-Fire Training Range Complex at Northwest Field.

For information regarding the SHPO’s decision to invoke Stipulation XIII, download the press release and SHPO letter below.

Senator Therese Terlaje co-sponsors bill to ensure all purchases made under emergency powers go through established procurement processes


Senator Perez Introduces Bill to Clarify Emergency Health Powers and Create Task Force

Hagåtña, Guam – On July 30, 2020, Bill No. 386-35 (COR), introduced by Senator Sabina Perez and co-sponsored by Senator Therese Terlaje, will tie emergency health powers to local procurement law and create a public health emergency purchasing task force.

During the coronavirus pandemic, the government of Guam cited its emergency health powers to bypass traditional emergency procurement laws when contracting quarantine facilities. Emergency procurement laws are intended to provide a means of speeding up the process by which the government purchases goods and services during an emergency, while still maintaining safeguards to prevent abuse or waste. Following the local decision to utilize emergency health powers instead of emergency procurement law to contract hotels, it was found that several facilities were paid for prior to securing signed contracts.

“The initial procurement of the quarantine facilities underscores the need to update our laws to ensure the entire government is on the same page,” said Senator Perez. “We cannot continue to have differing interpretations of the law. Bill 386-35 ensures consistent application of procurement processes when emergency health powers are declared, improves transparency, and holds accountable those involved in the procurement process,” Senator Perez added.

Bill 386-35 clarifies that all purchases made under emergency powers must go through established procurement processes. By having emergency purchases conducted within the scope allowed by procurement law, the bill closes the loophole of purchases being made without proper safeguards. The procurement law is intended to protect the people’s money and ensure that government is following the law.

Bill 386-35 also creates a task force that must be ready to respond in the midst of an emergency, such as the pandemic, and also prepare for future emergencies. This task force, which includes the Chief Procurement Officer, will be responsible for all procurement, management and staffing of the procurement for all supplies and services needed to address a public health emergency. “This task force will facilitate communication with frontline agencies and the Governor and respond to the needs of agencies and the community during the pandemic,” said Senator Perez.

The bill requires that properly trained procurement personnel be involved from the start of an emergency. This ensures procurement decisions are not made in isolation by one branch, but collectively by the task force.

“I want to sincerely thank Senator Perez for holding an oversight hearing on the emergency procurement conducted during the COVID-19 health emergency and for introducing this legislation. The oversight hearing uncovered the blatant disregard of Guam’s procurement law. I understand we were in an unprecedented health emergency at the time, but we have faced many other emergencies before and managed to work within the law. Our government must do better at adapting and improving emergency procurement rather than ignoring it,” stated Senator Therese Terlaje.

“During these uncertain times, it is even more critical that our government utilizes public funds wisely. Our local procurement laws safeguard public funds through transparency and accountability measures. As a result, it is essential that government officials work for the public good by upholding and implementing our local procurement laws,” said Senator Perez.


FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (July 22, 2020- Hagåtña, Guam)

During a July 13, 2020, informational briefing on Magua, the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) disclosed that a latte period human burial had been found and a survey of the adjacent area was underway to determine the full scope of the burial grounds.  I was informed recently that three additional burials were found.  These multiple discoveries of burials follow the past refusal by U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to preserve Magua in place, and DoD’s deliberate removal of Latte Period latte, lusong, earth ovens, tools, pottery, and other artifacts from the area.  Prior to being cleared, Magua was listed as a site eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, and is located near a fresh water source, inland from the cliffs above the ancient village of Haputo. The burials were found between Magua, marked on a 1676 map as Mahgua, and another historic site in the direction of Route 3.

“This must stop now. The clearing of latte and lusong from Magua and the disturbance of the adjacent burial grounds is a serious mistake and a grave injustice to Chamorro heritage and future generations.   The unilateral decision by DoD to clear  latte and other rare village artifacts that survived thousands of years in known historic sites eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, to unilaterally deem them culturally insignificant or not worthy of avoidance, is contrary to international standards of protection of indigenous cultures, and reminds us of the generations of harm that continue to be perpetuated by the land takings.  The DoD has not sufficiently altered its destructive plans for Magua, Litekyan, or Haputo despite our input in the “consultation” process under NEPA and NHPA,” stated Senator Therese Terlaje.

Senator Therese Terlaje further stated,  “I am grateful to the SHPO for informing me of these findings and for stating that he would pursue preservation in place of the burial site found near the ancient village of Magua.  However, if we are to prevent another incident like what has happened at Magua, the people of Guam must act united and strategically.  I call on our Governor, Congressman, Government agencies and all leaders to halt all further clearing by DoD in the Magua, Haputo, Litekyan,  and Fena sites until the U.S. agrees to preservation in place of ancient villages and cultural sites on military controlled property on Guam, and agrees to grant open access to these sites to Guam’s children.”

Photos below are images of artifacts removed from historic sites and stored outside in the Finegayan / NCTS. Photos were taken by Office of Senator Therese Terlaje during a May 23, 2019 visit.

Senator Therese Terlaje takes time this Liberation Day to support our veterans, GY671 and Freedom Grinderz as they cycle and March to Ypao Beach.

Got Your 671 (GY671), a community of veterans, in partnership with the Freedom Grinderz — comprised of avid cyclists, many of whom are veterans and serve in the Guam Army and Air National Guard – hosted a first-ever “Never leave a Fallen Comrade” combined Foot March and Bike Ride commemorating Guam’s Liberation Day, raising awareness about veteran suicide and combat-related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

It will took place on Liberation Day, July 21, 2020, with a 22 combined mile march/ride starting simultaneously at 6:00 a.m. from 2 points — 11 miles from the Andersen Airforce Base front gate and 11 miles from the Navy Base front gate and ending at Ypao Beach Park in Tumon. The 22-mile march is representative of the national average number of veterans who commit suicide a day.

Senator Therese Terlaje and staff set up two water stations along the 11 mile route from Navy Base to Ypao Beach to support the marcher and bike riders.

Biba Guam!!! Biba Liberation!!!