Speaker Terlaje Continues Push for Permanent Relief at the Gas Pumps 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (June 13, 2022 – Hagåtña, Guam) – On Friday, June 10, 2022, the committee report for Bill No. 261-36 was being routed to members of the Committee on Appropriations. Speaker Terlaje introduced Bill No. 261-36 on February 22, 2022, which proposes a permanent repeal of provisions in the Liquid Fuel Tax bringing relief of twenty-three cents ($.23) per gallon of gas purchased at the pumps for every consumer. Bill No. 261-36 needs two more votes in order for it to be eligible for placement on the session agenda this month. The members who have not yet voted on the committee report are Vice Speaker Tina Muna Barnes, Senator Amanda Shelton, Senator Clynton Ridgell, Senator Jose “Pedo” Terlaje, and Senator Mary Torres.  

A strikingly similar liquid fuel tax bill by the Committee Chairman was introduced 62 days after Bill No. 261-36 was introduced, 17 days after the public hearing on Bill No. 261-36, and 12 days after Speaker Terlaje sent a draft substitute Bill No. 261-36 to the Chairman for consideration. Speaker Terlaje has been urging the Committee Chairman to make any amendments necessary and report out Bill No. 261-36 so that relief for gas prices could go into effect immediately.  Instead, a competing bill was introduced and has already been voted out of the Committee on Appropriations by members of the Committee.  The only fundamental difference between Bill No. 261-36 and the Chairman’s bill is that Substitute Bill No. 261-36 repeals liquid fuel taxes permanently as opposed to the Chairman’s bill that places a 180-day moratorium on liquid fuel taxes.  

False assertions have been made in recent media coverage about Speaker Terlaje’s Bill 261-36 with the Speaker clearing the record stating, “My liquid fuel tax bills never attempted to direct federal money for any potential gaps left by repealing the gas taxes, nor would it short any government agency funding for FY 2022 or beyond.  These statements mislead the people of Guam on the intent and actual provisions contained within the bill.” 

In addition, recommended changes were sent on April 12th by the Speaker to the Committee for consideration that would assuage concerns made at the public hearing, but would not have made any substantive changes to mechanics of the bill.  With the changes to Bill No. 261-36, the fiscal impact is estimated to be $8 M annually and only $2.8 M for the last four months of FY 2022, based on calculations using initial estimates provided by the Department of Revenue and Taxation. 
“It was clear from the public hearing on Bill No. 261-36 in April when the General Fund was showing $61 M in excess of adopted revenues that my bill was not going to impact the FY 2022 appropriations of any agencies funded by liquid fuel taxes. This is further evidenced with the competing bill by the Chairman which temporarily repeals the liquid fuel tax in FY 2022 and for a portion of FY 2023. If there was truly a threat to the agencies’ budgets as asserted in the media, he would not have introduced a bill to temporarily repeal the liquid fuel taxes using the same funding source (i.e. FY 2022 excess general fund revenues) as Bill No. 261-36,” stated Speaker Terlaje.

The Speaker had attempted to consider Bill 261-36 during the April and May sessions but the committee report was not provided by the Appropriations Chair.  Speaker Terlaje plans to call the next session on June 28 and will seek her colleagues’ support for swift passage of gas tax relief measures. 
“It is our duty as policymakers to decide on tax policy with diligence and responsibility, not by political gamesmanship and misleading statements.  Gas prices have been rising since the beginning of the year and we have had the opportunity to provide relief to our residents, families, and businesses for four months now. I urge the people of Guam to call their Senators to reconsider their position on providing permanent relief to all gas consumers and asking committee members to vote to report out Bill 261-36,” stated Speaker Terlaje. 

Speaker Terlaje commends PARS for successful advocacy for 2-year extension to RECA

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (June 8, 2022 – Hagåtña, Guam)  

Speaker Terlaje extends her thanks to Pacific Association for Radiation Survivors (PARS) for their work in getting a 2-year extension for the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA). 

“For over 20 years PARS has put forth education campaigns, solicited community input to tell the stories of Guam radiation survivors, partnered with community groups in other impacted jurisdictions and lobbied Congressional leaders to include Guam in RECA. Thank you to PARS President Robert Celestial and PARS members, past and present, who have tirelessly advocated for Guam’s inclusion in RECA and this two-year extension to RECA.  This extension gives us more time to continue pushing for the passage of S. 2798 and H.R. 5338. I continue to be fully committed and engaged in ensuring the bills in both the House and the Senate are passed.  These bills would finally secure the justified compensation and benefits our island radiation survivors need. The $150,000 for each cancer patient or survivor would help offset the exorbitant costs of treatment in Guam and improve our island’s overall access to healthcare opportunities,” stated Speaker Terlaje.


I Liheslaturan Guåhan will be called into Session on Friday, May 27, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. in the Speaker Antonio R. Unpingco Legislative Session Hall in the Guam Congress Building.

The placement of bills, resolutions, and appointments on the session agenda will be pursuant to our standing rules. A copy of the session agenda and potential items to be placed on the session agenda is found below:

The session will be broadcast on GTA Channel 21, Docomo Channel 117 or 112-4 and at http://www.guamlegislature.com/live_feed.htm. A recording of the session will be available online via Guam Legislature Media on YouTube after the session. Please email senatorterlajeguam@gmail.com or call 472-3586, if you require any special accommodations or further information.

Si Yu′os ma′åse′.

Statement from Health Committee Chairperson Therese M. Terlaje on the status of the Bill No. 291-36 (LS) Committee Report

FOR IMMEDIATE PRESS RELEASE: (May 18, 2022  – Hagåtña, Guam) Speaker Therese Terlaje stated, “As the Chairperson of the Committee on Health, regardless of my personal views on the issue of abortion and this bill, I have carried through with my duty to create a fair and accurate record of all the testimony on Bill 291, for any subsequent legislative deliberation and debate on this bill, and so that senators contemplating any further action on the bill can be fully informed by the public hearing.”

The Committee Report for Bill No. 291-36 (LS)– “Relative to Abortion, including abortion after detection of an unborn child’s heartbeat; authorizing a private civil right of action, introduced by Senator Telena C. Nelson, Senator Amanda L. Shelton, Senator Christopher Dueñas, and Senator Frank Blas Jr.,” was sent to committee members for their vote at 7:00 a.m. today. As of 3:30 p.m., only two votes have been received, none of which are from the three bill sponsors that sit on the Health Committee. 

The report for Bill No. 291-36 (LS) holds more than 2000 pages and outlines the intervening circumstances of the leaked Supreme Court decision and the resulting complicated issue of the 1990 law (PL 20-134), amongst other relative documentation.  The committee report more importantly includes as official record, an overwhelming eight-hundred and eighty-one (881) written testimonies against and two-Hundred and eighty-four (284) in favor of the bill. It is required that the Committee Report for Bill No. 291-36 be reported out of committee, for there to be a permanent legislative record of this testimony and so that there can be deliberation on this divisive issue by all senators, to all be held accountable. 

Bill 291 was removed today from the May session agenda “potential items” listing by a vote during the Committee on Rules meeting, including two co-sponsors of the bill, Senator Amanda Shelton and Senator Frank Blas, Jr. The prime sponsor Senator Nelson was not present and is on military duty until tomorrow. This vote temporarily prevents action on the bill. 

“Absent withdrawal of the bill, a vote blocking the bill from the agenda merely puts it off for another day when conditions are more favorable to the sponsors. For example, one of the largest concerns stated at the public hearing, was that this bill was timed prior to the election. Placement of this bill on the agenda closer to the election may be the strategy. Unfortunately, that prolongs a very painful and divisive debate, as we have seen to be the goal in some states. I do not want that for our community,” stated Speaker Terlaje. 

Bill 291 testimonies will be available on Speaker Terlaje’s website pending committee report

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (May 4, 2022  Hagåtña, Guam) – All testimonies on Bill 291-36 (LS) submitted to the Committee on Health, Land, Justice and Culture, chaired by Speaker Therese M. Terlaje, will be made available to the public via Google Drive link on Speaker Terlaje’s website. The website can be accessed here: http://senatorterlaje.com/. As of this morning the Committee has received 127 testimonies in favor of Bill 291-36 (LS) and 678 testimonies in opposition to Bill 291-36 (LS). So far, 36 people have testified in-person on Bill 291-36 (LS).

Following the two public hearings on Bill 291-36 (LS) completed from 1:00-5:00 and 6:00-10:00 PM on May 4, there will be two more public hearings on Bill 291-36 (LS) on Friday, May 6, 2022 from 1:00-5:00 and 6:00-10:00 PM. Those interested in providing oral testimony must register at (671) 472-3586 or senatorterlajeguam@gmail.com.

Unlimited written testimony may be submitted to the Committee via email: senatorterlajeguam@gmail.com or hand delivery to the Office of the Speaker Therese M. Terlaje at the Guam Congress Building before close of business on, Monday May 9, 2022. All oral and written testimony will be included in the Committee Report on the bill and made available for view to the public on the Guam Legislature’s website. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations can contact the Office of Speaker Therese M. Terlaje.

Statement from Speaker Therese Terlaje on the Passing of Popoy Zamora

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (May 4, 2022 – Hagåtña, Guam) – Below is a statement from Speaker Therese Terlaje on behalf of the 36th Guam Legislature:

“It is with sadness that we received the news of the passing of Popoy Zamora, former Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner of Dededo, and longtime Filipino community leader.  Mr. Zamora passed away on May 3, 2022, in Cavite, Philippines at the age of 94. 

Mr. Zamora graced our televisions as the host of Buhay Pinoy from 1976 – 2006 bringing us the latest coverage of cultural events, special appearances from visiting Filipino leaders and dignitaries, entertainers, and information for relief drives to help victims of several calamities in the Philippines. As a civic leader and one of Guam’s first “influencers”, Mr. Zamora was recognized for his charitable and humanitarian work as the recipient of the Presidential Award for Outstanding Filipino Overseas for exemplary services to advance the cause of Filipinos on Guam. In addition, the 28th Guam Legislature commended Mr. Zamora’s work as the founder of the Pilipino Amateur Basketball League.

Our prayers go out to the family of Mr. Zamora.  The impact of his dedication to Guam and service to his community will last for generations.”

Update on Participation in Public Hearings on Bill 291-36 (LS)– WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2022, and FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – The Committee on Health, Land, Justice, and Culture will convene public hearings on WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2022, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., and continued Friday, May 6, 2022, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., in the Guam Congress Building Public Hearing room, for the following agenda item:

·      Bill No. 291-36 (LS) – Telena Cruz Nelson / Christopher M. Dueñas / Amanda L. Shelton / V. Anthony Ada / Frank Blas, Jr.- “AN ACT TO ADD A NEW CHAPTER 91B TO DIVISION 4 OF TITLE 10 OF THE GUAM CODE ANNOTATED, RELATIVE TO ABORTION, INCLUDING ABORTIONS AFTER DETECTION OF AN UNBORN CHILD’S HEARTBEAT; AUTHORIZING A PRIVATE CIVIL RIGHT OF ACTION.”  Web link: https://www.guamlegislature.com/36th_Guam_Legislature/Bills_Introduced_36th/Bill%20No.%20291-36%20(LS).pdf

As stated in the published and email notices for these hearings, the registration deadline for both hearing days was set for Monday, May 2, 2022, or until all time slots have been filled. This notice is to update the public that the 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. time slots for both days has been filled. However, the Committee is continuing to accept registrations for the 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. time slots for both Wednesday, May 4, 2022, and Friday, May 6, 2022.  Please contact the Office of Speaker Terlaje at (671) 472-3586 or email senatorterlajeguam@gmail.com, if you would like to register to provide oral testimony at the public hearing, or for more information. Due to an anticipated high volume of individuals to provide testimony, oral testimonials are limited to a four (4) minute time slot on one (1) hearing day only, to allow as much public participation as possible. 

Unlimited written testimony may be submitted to the Committee via email: senatorterlajeguam@gmail.com or hand delivered to the Office of the Speaker Therese M. Terlaje at the Guam Congress Building before close of business on, Monday May 9, 2022. All oral and written testimony will be included in the Committee Report on the bill and made available for view to the public on the Guam Legislature’s website. A copy of the bill is attached to this notice and can also be accessed through the web link above. All hearings broadcast on GTA TV Channel 21, Docomo Channel 117/112.4, and livestream on the Guam Legislature YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GuamLegislatureMedia. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Individuals needing special accommodations can contact the Office of Speaker Therese M. Terlaje. 

Speaker Terlaje’s Urges Gas Bill to Move Forward

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (April 25, 2022 – Hagåtña, Guam) – Speaker Therese Terlaje is enlisting community support to urge Bill No. 261-36 (COR) be reported out of the Committee of Appropriations for action by the Legislature.  Bill No. 261-36 would bring a savings of 23 cents per gallon to all individuals and businesses at the gas pumps through the repeal of the Liquid Fuel Tax (LFT).  The proposal had a public hearing on April 7, 2022, where local gas companies lent their support for the measure promising that the reductions “if enacted, would be passed on to the consumers.”

To address any confusion regarding the source of funding for the repeal, Speaker Therese Terlaje requested an amendment be made to the legislative intent of the bill to remove any reference to federal ARP or Infrastructure money for clarification, though they were never identified as a funding source in the bill.  The substitute version of Bill No. 261-36 (COR) proposed to the Committee on Appropriations by Speaker Terlaje also keeps the 8-cent fuel tax for commercial aviation only, which would reduce the overall fiscal impact of the measure to approximately $4 million for the remainder of FY22 and $8 million annually (down from $10.5 million) moving forward. Bill No. 261-36 did not repeal any of the current FY 2022 agency appropriations and the substitute bill added language to reiterate that FY 22 appropriations for agencies receiving funds from the LFT would not be affected by the measure. 

Speaker Terlaje was able to get Bill No. 261-36 onto the April session agenda as a potential item, however, the committee has not reported the measure out, thus, not allowing the bill to move forward onto the April legislative session agenda for action.

With approximately $143.9 million in excess revenues over that last 3 years (between FY 2019 and FY 2021), and the current fiscal year tracking at $68.4 in surplus, the Speaker stated, “It is clear to me that the people of Guam are looking to the Legislature to help resolve some of the short-, medium- and long-term economic issues facing our island and our families due to the rapidly increasing cost of fuel and food.  We need to prioritize our struggling families, most of who were living paycheck to paycheck prior to the pandemic and are no longer able to stretch their money to the next payday.  These families are being hit the hardest and we must respond swiftly and decisively before we prioritize $5 million for capital improvement projects or other items that are not as timely as the needs of our residents. Bill No. 261-36 has the potential to assist all gas consumers on Guam, not just a select few.”

The Speaker is urging the community to contact the Committee on Appropriations and urge that this bill move forward. 


I Liheslaturan Guåhan will be called into Session on Friday, April 22, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. in the Speaker Antonio R. Unpingco Legislative Session Hall in the Guam Congress Building.

In addition to its regular Session agenda, the Legislature will resolve into the Committee of the Whole in order to receive the State of the Judiciary address on April 29th at 10:00 a.m.

The placement of bills, resolutions, and appointments on the session agenda will be pursuant to our standing rules. A copy of the session agenda and potential items to be placed on the session agenda is attached below:

The session will be broadcast on GTA Channel 21, Docomo Channel 117 or 112-4 and at http://www.guamlegislature.com/live_feed.htm. A recording of the session will be available online via Guam Legislature Media on YouTube after the session. Please email senatorterlajeguam@gmail.com or call 472-3586, if you require any special accommodations or further information.

Due to the current public health emergency, all persons attending Session will be required to wear masks and to observe social distancing protocols.

Si Yu′os ma′åse′.