FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (July 22, 2020- Hagåtña, Guam)

During a July 13, 2020, informational briefing on Magua, the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) disclosed that a latte period human burial had been found and a survey of the adjacent area was underway to determine the full scope of the burial grounds.  I was informed recently that three additional burials were found.  These multiple discoveries of burials follow the past refusal by U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to preserve Magua in place, and DoD’s deliberate removal of Latte Period latte, lusong, earth ovens, tools, pottery, and other artifacts from the area.  Prior to being cleared, Magua was listed as a site eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, and is located near a fresh water source, inland from the cliffs above the ancient village of Haputo. The burials were found between Magua, marked on a 1676 map as Mahgua, and another historic site in the direction of Route 3.

“This must stop now. The clearing of latte and lusong from Magua and the disturbance of the adjacent burial grounds is a serious mistake and a grave injustice to Chamorro heritage and future generations.   The unilateral decision by DoD to clear  latte and other rare village artifacts that survived thousands of years in known historic sites eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, to unilaterally deem them culturally insignificant or not worthy of avoidance, is contrary to international standards of protection of indigenous cultures, and reminds us of the generations of harm that continue to be perpetuated by the land takings.  The DoD has not sufficiently altered its destructive plans for Magua, Litekyan, or Haputo despite our input in the “consultation” process under NEPA and NHPA,” stated Senator Therese Terlaje.

Senator Therese Terlaje further stated,  “I am grateful to the SHPO for informing me of these findings and for stating that he would pursue preservation in place of the burial site found near the ancient village of Magua.  However, if we are to prevent another incident like what has happened at Magua, the people of Guam must act united and strategically.  I call on our Governor, Congressman, Government agencies and all leaders to halt all further clearing by DoD in the Magua, Haputo, Litekyan,  and Fena sites until the U.S. agrees to preservation in place of ancient villages and cultural sites on military controlled property on Guam, and agrees to grant open access to these sites to Guam’s children.”

Photos below are images of artifacts removed from historic sites and stored outside in the Finegayan / NCTS. Photos were taken by Office of Senator Therese Terlaje during a May 23, 2019 visit.

Terlaje insists that preserving our historic sites and artifacts in place must be the priority

 FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (May 24, 2019 – Hagåtña) 

Senator Therese Terlaje reiterated her concerns during the two day annual Programmatic Agreement workshop that the avoidance of adverse impacts to historic sites is not being fully achieved and instead the “data recovery” which is the removal of a sampling of archaeologically relevant material (i.e. latte, lusong, earth ovens, pottery pieces, etc.), is often the option being utilized for several important historic sites. This includes the Northwest Field live fire training range location on the plateau above to Ritidian/Litekyan, where over 100 historic sites have been discovered and 14 will not be protected.  

Senator Terlaje implored the DOD officials during the meeting to preserve the historic properties as they are, in their place and together with the landscape, for  people to experience in person and for future technology to help us decipher the history of the Chamorro people. She also advocated that historic sites adjacent to Ritidian and Finegayan near the proposed construction areas be prioritized to be nominated to the National Register of Historic Properties, such as the the entire archeological district near Pugua Point, Double Reef and Finegayan. Guam’s SHPO has recommended this whole area be nominated to the Register but it was rejected. SHPO again asked it be reconsidered as a traditional cultural property (TCP) for preservation because of its significance with at least 17 historic properties.  

“These PA meetings remind us that the Navy is not required to avoid historic sites in their construction. The DOD may clear and grade and bulldoze these properties regardless of historic significance, when their construction plans require it. Pursuant to the Agreement, some but not all artifacts are removed from the site and stored in bags and boxes for our children, but the Navy is not obligated to preserve for us the ability to stand next to a lusong and look at the cliff, ocean, and surroundings and imagine why our ancestors chose that location to live.  We cannot put an earth oven in a museum and fully appreciate that it was made from the earth and literally built into the earth. These historic and cultural sites are the last remnants of our story as a Chamorro people and must be preserved within the cultural landscape of our island to provide more depth and a better understanding of our ancestors,” Terlaje states. 

Updates were also provided at this year’s annual workshop meeting on the Live Fire Training Range Complex at Northwest Field near Ritidian. Clearing of vegetation, including the cutting down and uprooting of trees has begun in the last few weeks as DOD continues to move forward with clearing of some of Guam’s pristine limestone forests. Already, new discoveries of dense artifacts including at least 400 pieces of pottery pieces have been uncovered in the short time that clearing has started.  

Senator Terlaje has sent several letters over the last three years to the previous Governor and today to the current Governor detailing her concerns with the Programmatic Agreement, requesting for a halt of the clearing and construction where historic properties and limestone forest habitat will be impacted. She will continue to urge Adelup and DOD to use all resources available to stop any further destruction of our ancient villages, cultural sites and limestone forests and revisit the timeline and “data recovery” plan that is in place for the historic properties adjacent to Ritidian before further clearing is done. 

For the third consecutive year, at the invitation of the State Historic Preservation Office, Senator Therese Terlaje attended the Annual Guam Programmatic Agreement (PA) Workshop. This was the 7th annual PA Workshop hosted by the Department of Defense, pursuant to the 2011 Programmatic Agreement relative to historic properties affected by DOD buildup projects, with PA signatories, various leaders from the DOD regional command, representatives from the Governor’s office and members of the 35th Guam Legislature.

500th Anniversary Circumnavigation Commission Bill Introduced

FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (September 7, 2018) – The year 2021 will mark the 500th anniversary of the first circumnavigation of the earth initiated by Ferdinand Magellan, which includes his stopover to Guam and the Marianas Islands in March 1521. The government of Spain will host a number of international commemorative events including a retracing of the voyage, conferences, exhibits, and other programs.

Vice Speaker Therese Terlaje has introduced Bill No. 346-34 (COR) to establish a provisional commission named Inentnon Estudion I Umali’e yan Umafana’ I Taotao Hiyong Yan Taotao Tano’, which will be dedicated to overseeing Guam’s participation during the 500th anniversary of the circumnavigation.

Former University of Guam President Robert Underwood began discussions with Spanish government representatives from several agencies and was informed that plans may include a stop on Guam by the Spanish Navy, which will be coordinated with the United States.

“It is important that representatives of the Guam government and community also play a critical role to help ensure that indigenous Chamorro perspectives are given voice and that Guam be appropriately recognized in research, discussions, and various activities,” Vice Speaker Terlaje stated.

The commission will include representatives from the Office of the Governor, the Guam Legislature, the Department of Chamorro Affairs, the Guam Museum, I Kumision i Fino’ CHamoru yan i Fina’nå’guen i Historia yan i Lina’la’ Taotao Tåno’ (The Commission on CHamoru Language and the Teaching of the History and Culture of the Indigenous People of Guam), University of Guam, Guam Preservation Trust, Guam Visitors Bureau, and various local cultural and historical organizations.

“The group will help ensure that the people of Guam have an opportunity to share our unique view of the first encounter between Pacific Islanders and Westerners in this region,” Vice Speaker Terlaje stated.

Original Landowners and Agencies Voice Concerns About Live-Fire at Ritidian

FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (September 8, 2017 – Hagåtña) – Vice Speaker Therese Terlaje (D-Yoña), Chairperson for the Committee on Culture and Justice convened an informational briefing yesterday, where dozens of concerned community members including the original Ritidian landowners and their families provided four hours of testimony demanding that the construction of the Live-Fire Training Range Complex (LFTRC) at Northwest Field be paused. Speaker BJ Cruz, Senator Telena Nelson, Senator Wil Castro, Senator Regine Biscoe Lee, Senator Fernando Esteves, and Senator Frank Aguon also attend the briefing, where they asked representatives from Government of Guam agencies to provide updates on the impacts to the limestone forests and historic properties with the proposed construction of the LFTRC.

The military’s 2010 Record of Decision clearly states that the relocation of marines to Guam is contingent on the establishment of a live-fire training range on Guam. However, more recently the military has announced that the relocation is also dependent on the establishment of live-fire ranges on Tinian and a bombing range on Pagan. In a pending lawsuit in the CNMI district court, EarthJustice has argued that the environmental impact statement conducted for the relocation of marines necessarily should have included the assessment of the Tinian and Pagan live-fire ranges, and thus must be redone. The marines are not scheduled to move to Guam until 2020. Vice Speaker Terlaje is adamant that the clearing of the limestone forest and impacts to Ritidian and other historic sites should not proceed until the court case is decided.

Guam’s State Historic Preservation Officer, Lynda Aguon provided significant findings, pointing out that her office previously indicated the Northwest Field as the least favored alternative for the LFTRC, given the location had multiple historical sites that would be directly and indirectly adversely impacted. SHPO Aguon clearly stated that 269 historical properties were counted and recorded, and of those sites, 63 were determined eligible for listing on the National Registry of Historic Places. SHPO Aguon informed senators that she would be working with the Governor’s office to submit a letter the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation to seek a comprehensive re-evaluation of the culturally significant settlement site at Ritidian and the impacts of the Surface Danger Zone.

“There are adverse effects happening, which is why we have found sites – 269 sites, not to mention 4 burials that were in place, burials that were there, and probably one that has been reburied. There is a latte set that has a lot of lusongs. You can posit from that, it is a big latte settlement. And going further, in receiving all of these reports (thousands of pages), it is only appropriate that they need to stop, pause everything, do the re-evaluation and get all their reports in order. The state archaeologist is frustrated because these reports are coming in from different writers and they are not syncing, so in consultation we will prepare that letter to the Advisory Council… They may have awarded the contract, but they still have to complete the section 106 process. They can probably begin to develop their design plans, but cannot do any construction activities until the 106 process is cleared, which will be clarified by the Advisory Council,” SHPO Aguon stated, further indicating that direct and indirect adverse impacts would impact areas of Litekyan, Pahon, Jinapsan, Urunao, and Haputo.

In response to the military’s proposed mitigation for the loss of limestone forest species, Tino Aguon of the Department of Agriculture stressed,

“Re-creation is a long process. You can mimic what nature has done, but we have to understand it took nature millions of years to do something that we want to do in a field, so that is a fairly difficult process or something difficult to achieve.”

Other concerns about the loss of access to important fishing areas and the contamination of Guam’s sole water source, the Northern Lens Aquifer, were also discussed. Manny Duenas, of the Guam Fishermen’s Coop testified that the live-fire training range at Ritidian would spoil important fishing areas and prevent access to local fishermen.

“They are going to take 15 square miles of our ocean at Ritidian Point, some of our most pristine waters, and they are going to fire 40 pounds of lead into the water. That’s water quality? Who is going to go out three miles and check?… I promise the military we are going to have 50 to 100 boats parked at Ritidian when these guys start shooting their weapons, until they start mitigating,” Duenas said.

Visiting scholar Rebekah Garrison described the lingering environmental contamination that plagues Vieques, Puerto Rico and Koho’olawe, Hawaii, despite the community actions that successfully ended bombing and other military exercises over 20 years ago. Garrison stated,

“Vieques continues to suffer a 25% higher cancer rate than Puerto Rico… In Koho’olawe, decades worth of bombs lodged into reefs, rocks, and underwater sands remain, leaking into the ocean. Koho’olawe and much of Vieques remain unsafe for human habitation and unfortunately both islands are great examples as to why Litekyan should not be turned into a live-fire training range. You have the power of keeping Litekyan from becoming the next Koho’olawe and Vieques.”

Sinajana resident John Dungca cited the Inifresi and the pledge to protect the land and water of the Chamorro people. He expressed his concerns about Guam’s primary fresh water source,

“When that facility becomes operational, it will be consuming 2 million gallons of water a day… I have questions that haven’t been answered to determine if this is good for Guam… Will the military be a good partner in being good stewards with the Guam Waterworks authority to protect this resource that is our northern aquifer?”

Several representatives of the Ritidian/Litekyan families shared powerful stories of pain and loss over the past several decades. Original landowners from Tiyan and Urunao, and members from Prutehi Litekyan also joined them in solidarity. Cathy Flores McCollum recalled how the Ritidian/Litekyan property was taken from her family by force and without just compensation by the Department of Defense. Decades later, Ritidian was deemed excess property to be returned, however her family and the rest of Guam were forced to witness Congress transfer their property to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. McCollum said many of the Ritidian families are moved by ongoing community efforts to fight this injustice.

“Instead of mitigation, we just want this to stop and we want our Governor, our leader of Guam, to help us get our lands back. That’s the bottom line… No, the military is not a great steward to our lands… Our family has been waiting patiently for the return of our property. Correct the injustices that have and will continue to take place. Let us take care of Ritidian. Let us be the people who will protect our lands from destruction, show our natural resources, and welcome family and friends – friends who respect and love Ritidian and will fight to the bitter end,” McCollum stated.

Another Ritidian descendant Lou Flores Bejado also added:

“Litekyan is not just a piece of property – it is our life, our beautiful history, and a way for us to connect with our ancestors. Our ancestors were also buried there before the war… such sacred grounds. Our nephew Rain Flores San Nicolas drowned at Litekyan saving his cousin’s life a few years back. So to think of bullets going into that part of the ocean, makes our stomachs turn and our hearts ache in pain. Those are sacred waters too… There are so many arguments as to why Litekyan should be put off as a firing range. The marines are not expected until 8 years from now. Why are they starting this early? We need to delay the buildup and come back to the drawing board and find what is mutually beneficial for all. If the military wants to be good partners in the community, they need to listen to us to avoid any undue stress or unrest as a people… Many have told me that if this was their land, they to would fight. I know that if this was your family’s land, or if it was land belonging to Governor Calvo’s family, we would not be here today, and rightly so, we would be behind them as well.”

Vice Speaker Terlaje hopes that Governor Calvo will use his authority and influence to put the clearing of the limestone forest adjacent to Ritidian on hold. She recalled many of the protests that have taken place within the last decade to defend against federal control of Ritidian, and how thousands of residents spoke out during the EIS and SEIS commenting periods to criticize the construction of live-fire ranges adjacent to ancient villages.

“There is no dispute after the recent reports from the SHPO and the 2017 Biological Opinion, of the devastating impacts of the live-fire training range if it is placed at Northwest Field above Ritidian. It is not too late. It is going to take all of us to work together,” Terlaje stated.

For more information, please call the
Office of Vice Speaker Therese M. Terlaje at (671) 472-3586

Vice Speaker Therese Terlaje Urges Governor Calvo to Consider Critical Issues with the Proposed Construction of the Live-Fire Training Range Complex at Northwest Field

FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (September 6, 2017 – Hagåtña) – Vice Speaker Therese M. Terlaje (D-Yoña), Chairperson for the Committee on Culture and Justice, submitted a letter to Governor Eddie Baza Calvo yesterday, urging him to consider the irreversible impacts to historic sites, the environment, and ancestral lands with the clearing of limestone forests in Finegayan and Northwest Field for construction of the cantonment and Live-Fire Training Range Complex. Vice Speaker wrote with great concern about the preservation of primary limestone forest, ancient villages, cultural resources, and the continuing struggles for original landowners. In her letter, Vice Speaker Terlaje asked the Governor to consider the following:
– That promises in the Programmatic Agreement have not been kept by the military
– That the discovery of additional historic properties at Northwest Field may require reconsideration
– That the CNMI pending lawsuit may directly impact these firing ranges
– That the planned destruction of 187 acres of limestone forest at Northwest Field and the clearing of 683 acres of limestone forest in Finegayan are irreversible
– That Guam has a longstanding policy to defend Ritidian from federal control
– That the relocation will not begin until 2020

“Certainly the destruction of our limestone forest and wildlife refuge can be put on hold temporarily, while the leaders of Guam work cohesively with government agency leaders and the people of Guam to ensure the preservation of our ancient villages and pristine resource,” Vice Speaker Terlaje wrote.

Vice Speaker Terlaje also humbly requested that these issues regarding Ritidian be addressed in the Governor’s discussions in Washington D.C., together with the economic impacts of the denial of H-2B visas and the payment of War Claims out of Section 30 funds owed to Guam. Vice Speaker Terlaje further stated, “Settlement should include justice for the original landowners, preservation of historic sites, and protection of our limestone forests.”

The letter, which was also copied to Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo, included maps of the proposed Surface Danger Zone at Ritidian/Litekyan and potential impacts, a copy of a complaint filed by the Tinian Women’s Association against the U.S. Navy, and the public notice for the September 7, 2017 Informational Briefing with Original Landowners at the Guam Congressional Building’s Public Hearing Room.

For more information, please refer to the attached letter from Vice Speaker Terlaje to Governor Calvo, along with the included attachments.

For more information, please call the Office of Vice Speaker Therese M. Terlaje at (671) 472-3586.

Read Vice Speaker Terlaje’s Letter to the Governor here:
Ltr_Gov_Urgent Issues LFTRC_F

Review the CNMI Complaint here:
CNMI Complaint

Review the Public Notice here:
Public Notice Sept. 7th. 2017 Info Briefing with Original Landowners

Informational Briefing to Focus on Litekyan (Ritidian) Landowners, and Historical, Cultural and Environmental Issues

The Committee on Culture and Justice will convene an informational briefing on Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 4 p.m. at the Guam Legislature Public Hearing Room, at the Guam Congress Building in Hagåtña.

The intent of the informational briefing is to receive reports of the status and the historical, cultural, and environmental impacts of the Live-Fire Training Range Complex, and the potential implications for the original landowners of Ritidian/Litekyan and the surrounding areas.

Agenda items include:
*Reports from government agencies: Guam State Historic Preservation Office, Guam Department of Agriculture, Guam Coastal Management Program, Governor’s Military Buildup Office
*Testimony from Guam Fishermen’s Coop Association
*Testimony from Original Ritidian/Litekyan Landowners

Background on Ritidian/Litekyan homelands:
– After World War II, the U.S. military condemned via eminent domain, privately held lands from families in Ritidian/Litekyan and the surrounding areas. Families were forced to relocate despite objections and without just compensation. Ritidian was established as a military area that restricted civilian access.

– After decades, the military deemed the Ritidian lands “excess”, however, the return of the excess lands to the government of Guam was thwarted by the U.S. Congress’ transfer of those lands to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2000. Ritidian lands have since been held in trust by the USFWS and used as a wildlife refuge and cultural center.

The 22nd, 23rd, and 30th Guam Legislatures enacted:
– PL 22-63, declaring that no wildlife refuge be established in Guam unless approved and enacted under Guam law

– PL 22-111 challenged the designation of the Ritidian lands as a Critical Habitat or Wildlife Refuge.

– PL 23-24 signed by acting Governor Madeleine Z. Bordallo, prohibited the Government of Guam from entering into any cooperative agreement with any U.S. federal government agency in regard to the Wildlife Refuge at Ritidian. The law stated, “it is the policy of the government of Guam to seek the termination of federal ownership of real property in Northern Guam commonly known as the “Wildlife Refuge” and to seek the transfer of those lands from the control of the U.S. Department of Interior’s Fish and Wildlife Service to local authority for whatever purposes deemed appropriate by local authority, including the possible return to original land owners.”

– Resolution 258-30 opposing land condemnation by the federal government for the purposes of the training ranges, reminding Congress that “the final insult to the people of Guam came when the 385 acres of the former Naval Facility, Guam at Ritidian Point was declared excess in the 1990’s and was grabbed quietly, without fanfare or advance notice by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service rather than being returned to the original land owners via the Government of Guam.”

Contrary to past Guam Legislative efforts to support the Ritidian homelands, in December 2014,Congress enacted H.R. 4402, allowing DoD use of Ritidian as a Surface Danger Zone for its Live-Fire Training Ranges.

The informational briefing will broadcast on local television, GTA Channel 21, Docomo Channel 117/60.4 and stream online via I Liheslaturan Guåhan’s live feed. If written testimonies are to be presented at the informational briefing, the Committee requests that copies be submitted prior to the informational briefing date and should be addressed to Vice Speaker Therese M. Terlaje. Testimonies may be submitted via hand delivery to the Office of Vice Speaker Therese M. Terlaje at the Guam Congress Building, 163 Chalan Santo Papa, Hagåtña, Guam; at the Protocol Office of the Guam Congress Building, 163 Chalan Santo Papa, Hagåtña, Guam 96910; or via email to In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals requiring special accommodations or services should contact the Office of Vice Speaker Therese M. Terlaje, 163 Chalan Santo Papa, at (671) 472-3586 or by sending an email to

We look forward to your attendance and participation.
Si Yu’os Ma’åse.

Respect the Chamorro People Rally on April 7, 2017

For Immediate Release, March 29, 2017 — A series of disrespectful acts against the Chamoru people seemed to eclipse what is normally one of the most festive times of the year — Mes Chamoru, a month dedicated to celebrating the Chamoru culture.

Almost daily this month, Guam’s news outlets have reported on military and other encroachment into sacred lands and natural habitats from northern to southern Guam; a court decision against the Chamoru right to self-determination; and Federal threats to theChamoru Land Trust. For many Chamorus, these actions have sparked the need to remind the community that Guam is i Tano’ i Man Chamoru, the homeland of the Chamoru people.

The language, culture and heritage of the Native people of Guam and the Marianas are what make our archipelago unique in the world.  There is no other place on earth for Chamorus to call their homeland. Above all, the Chamoru people, like all indigenous people, deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, especially in their native land.

A grassroots collective has come together to organize the Respect the Chamorro People Rally on April 7 from 4 – 6 p.m. at the Adelup lawn.  Adelup was the site of a series of demonstrations and the famous Nasion  Chamoru campout that pushed the Government of Guam to implement the Chamoru Land Trust in 1995.

The rally will be a safe and welcoming space for all members of our community, Chamoru and others alike, to come together in solidarity to protect and defend the native and human rights of the Chamoru people and their place in the world. The rally will feature speakers and live performances, including poetry, music and traditional chants.

Every school day on Guam, tens of thousands of our children recite the Inifresi, a promise for those who call Guam home, to protect and defend the six things that make life possible and beautiful, drawn from Chamoru heritage, culture and history: i hinengge, i kottura, i lenguåhi, i aire, i hanom yan i tano’ Chamoru.

Join us on April 7 in celebration of this promise and of the Native people of Guam who have inherited it.


36th Flame Tree Arts Festival in Saipan from April 20-23, 2017

CNMI – The Commonwealth Council for Arts and Culture annual Flame Tree Arts Fesival, is tentatively scheduled for April 20-23, 2017 on Saipan at the Civic Center, Susupe Beach Park.

CNMI would like to extend an invitation for Guam’s participation at this four-day event – Guam’s artists, performers, and entertainers for Cultural displays and shows.

For more information about the festival, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Gary Sword at, (670) 233-14400 or Mr, Parker Yobei at the Commonwealth Council for Arts and Culture office 9670) 322-9982/3 or



Since 1981, the FLAME TREE ARTS FESTIVAL has celebrated the natural and cultural beauty of the Northern Mariana Islands by producing a dynamic 4 day event featuring indigenous and cultural arts, music, crafts, art competition, dance and recognition of indigenous artists and cultural purveyors. The Flame Tree Festival brings together local and Pacific arts and culture in a central setting.

At this community festival, art enthusiasts discover spectacular paintings, sculptures, jewelry, photography, ceramics and more, offering extraordinary art for every taste. Thousands of dollars in art will be on display, providing locals and visitors with the opportunity to purchase one-of-a-kind wares and meet the artists behind the work, hearing firsthand what inspires them.

Plus, you can enjoy a variety of local activities and performances throughout the 4 day event, including live music, hands-on activities and art happenings. Schools will be afforded space to showcase, sell and promote the arts crafted in their schools.

One of the things that makes this work well is a community-centered approach. We will enlist the help of parents, students, principals, and residents with whom we already have a relationship stemming from our partnerships with local schools, businesses, government entities and organizations.

Testimony from March 17th Public Hearing for Resolution 51-34 (LS) and Resolution 52-34 (LS)

Download the video for March 17, 2017 – Committee on Culture and Justice Public Hearing at this link :

or view it directly on YouTube at:

U.S. Department of Justice letter to Governor Eddie Baza Calvo regarding Fair Housing Act lawsuit against the Government of Guam – DOJ letter_CLTC

Arnold Davis v. Guam decision – Davis v Guam case

The following list of people provided testimony at the hearing.  The time lapse marks indicate where their testimony can be found in the video.  Their written transcripts can also be found below.

1. Bob Pelkey – 27:40 minute mark  – Pelkey.B.WT.03.17.17

2. Harold Cruz – 46:49 minute mark  – Cruz.Harold.J – P.H.03.16.17

3. Ofing (Josephine) Jackson – 53:44 minute mark  – Jackson, Ofing P.H.03.17.17

4. Vicente Garrido – 1:01:06 minute mark  – Garrido, Vincent P.H. 03.17.17

5. Enrique Torres –1:07:56 minute mark – Torres, Enrique – P.H. 03.17.17

6. Robert LG Benavente – 1:18:46 – Benavente, Robert P.H. 03.17.17

7. Jamela Santos – 1:26:36 – Santos.J.A.WT.03.16.17

8. Mike Phillips – 1:33:50 – Phillips, Michael J. Atty. P.H. 03.17.17

9. Senator Carmen Kasperbauer – 2:07:50 – Kasperbauer, Carmen – P.H. 03.17.17

10. John Ray Aguon – 2:16:18 – Aguon, John Ray – P.H. 03.17.17

11. Senator Hope Cristobal – 2:26:27 – Cristobal, Hope P.H. 03.17.17

12. Lasia Casil – 2:46:09 – Casil, Lasia – P.H. 03.17.17

13. Ray Lujan – 2:51:17 – Lujan.R.WT – P.H.03.17.17

14. Darrin Pangelinan reading for Lakretia Castro-Santos and Social Work Students Alliance – 2:54:56 – Castro.Santos.L.WT.03.17.17

15. Rosario Perez – 2:57:44 – Perez.R.L.03.17.17

16. Jose Garrido – 3:03:12 – Garrido, Jose Ulloa – P.H. 03.17.17

17. Josette Quinata – 3:29:45 – Quinata.J.M.L.WT.03.17.17

18. Carlos Camacho – 3:39:11 – Camacho, Carlos – P.H. 03.17.17

19. Maga’låhi Aniti – 3:48:54 – Aniti, Maga’låhi – P.H. 3.17.17

20. Michael Bevacua 4:02:17 – Bevacqua, Michael – P.H. 03.17.17

21. Trini Torres – 4:09:29 – Torres, Trini – P.H. 3.17.17

22. Ronald Laguana – 4:47:28 – Laguana, Ronald – P.H. 03.17.17

23. Ned Pablo – 4:33:09 – Pablo, Ned – P.H. 03.17.17Pablo, Ned – P.H. 03.17.17 Oral TestimonyPablo, Ned – P.H. 03.17.17 Chamorro

24. Frank Munoz – 4:40:32 – Munoz, Frank – P.H. 3.17.17

25. Dr. Rosa Paloma – 4:44:15 – Palomo, Rosa WT 03.17.17

26. Desiree Ventura – 4:49:52 –Ventura, Desiree – P.H. 03.17.17

27. Shannon McManus – 5:02:45 – McManus, Shannon – P.H. 03.17.17

28. Alissa Eclavea – 5:06:45 – Eclavea, Alissa – P.H. 03.17.17

29. Ofing (Josephine) Jackson – 5:15:07 – Jackson, Ofing Res. 52-34 – P.H. 03.17.17

30. Harold Cruz – 5:20:04 – Cruz, Harold 52-34 P.H. 03.17.17

31. Amanda Santos – 5:23:36 – Santos, Amanda P.H. 03.17.17

32. Mike Phillips – 5:25:30 – Phillips, Michael J. Atty. 52-34 P.H. 03.17.17

33. Enrique Torres – 5:28:04 – Torres, Enrique – P.H. 03.17.17

Written Testimony Submitted via email:

Franquez, R. WT 03.17.17

Aquino, Genedine WT 03.15.17 ISO RN 52-34 (LS)

Franquez, R. WT 03.17.17

Pablo, N. WT 03.15.17 ISO RN 51&52-34 (LS)

Pangelinan, M. I.D. WT 03.17.17

Santos, Anghela WT 03.17.17 RN 51&52-34 (LS)

Sayama, C. R.L. WT 03.17.17 RN 51-34 (LS)

Underwood on Self-Determination testimony read by Vice Speaker Terlaje – 23:18 minute mark – Underwood..A.WT.03.16.17

Underwood, R. A. WT 03.17.17 RN 51-34 (LS)