Speaker Therese Terlaje on Resolution 55-36 (COR)

Resolution No. 55-36 (COR)Relative to reaffirming our human right to safe drinking and clean water in observance of World Water Day 2021, and recognizing the importance of protecting our Northern Guam Lens Aquifer and precious water resource in ensuring the health of our people. Sponsored by: Sabina Flores Perez / Therese M. Terlaje / Telena Cruz Nelson / Clynton E. Ridgell / Jose “Pedo” Terlaje / Tina Rose Muña Barnes / Telo T. Taitague

~ This is a call for us to get together. It’s a call to be conscious. And it’s a call to act. We should not allow any more time to go by without making it very clear that we are here to protect our people, we are here to protect their drinking water.