Speaker Therese Terlaje’s Extension of Remarks From April Session 2021

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (April 30, 2021 – Hagåtña, Guam) – Please see Speaker Therese Terlaje’s extension of remarks from today’s session below. Also attached are letters sent to the Governor regarding the American Rescue Plan Act funds.

“Again, I want to thank all of my colleagues for all of their collaboration during this session. We knew we would have an abbreviated session this week due to very special events that were equally important, and I think we were able to accomplish a lot in the time that we were able to meet in session.

I believe that discussion and listening to each other is our best avenue forward, and that in hearing each other in this session hall, we also hear the people of Guam. And we will stay connected to the people of Guam through listening to each other in session debates, through our interactions at special events and even through all of our other interactions. And I hope that we will remember that most of our battles are long on Guam and that we came into this Legislature to make change, including changing hearts and minds so that people in our community can see the common ground in front of us and be united going forward.

I want to inform the public that this afternoon the Minority Leader and I sent a follow-up letter to the Governor’s request for the Legislature’s priority list for the American Rescue Plan funds. Earlier this week, we sent an initial letter requesting more information regarding what portion of the federal funds had been promised or committed to particular projects or agencies, so that we have a clearer picture of how much is available for prioritization. We have not received a response, but the Legislature is looking forward to meeting with the Governor regarding these funds, and we will be sending a listing of priorities by early next week. We want to reiterate that all of us in this Legislature are willing to meet to discuss, at the Governor’s convenience, the priorities for the people of Guam.

As we move forward, we must get as much information as possible and be able to adjust what we learn locally and federally. For example, just this morning, the U.S. Senate passed legislation regarding water utilities and infrastructure, a very important component, I think for Guam to move forward. All of these different sources of federal funds and the potential needs and current needs of the people of Guam must be examined and reconciled.

As we approach deliberations on our FY 22 budget. We want to ensure that our local funds and federal funds will be used in a fair and equitable way so that they reach all of the people of Guam, especially those in the most need. We must truly deliberate with all of the information in front of us through a good faith effort to devise a plan that will provide immediate relief and also long-term solutions that we’ve waited for so long for everyone in our community. And I thank my colleagues sincerely for their efforts in this regard.

I also want to take just a moment to thank all of the staff here at the Guam Legislature, especially the protocol office and the clerk’s office and the legal office for all of their extra efforts this week and last week, and assisting in hosting the two very special events. We thank you for your time and effort and for assisting us to be successful in our efforts. Si Yu’os Ma’ase.”

Speaker Therese Terlaje’s Extension of Remarks April Session 2021