FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (February 4, 2020- Hagåtña, Guam)- Bill 210-35 (COR), introduced by Senator Therese M. Terlaje, to appropriate $10 million dollars from the Hospital Capital Improvement fund for GMHA’s top three urgent projects which include the roof repairs, the electronic health record, and the electrical panel, was unanimously passed in today’s legislative session.

“With the passage of Bill 210 into law, I look forward to GMHA’s swift action to use the $10 million in funding to expand the Electronic Health Record system or address any of the other urgent repairs, pending the availability of additional funds.

The Army Corps of Engineers, in their preliminary outbrief, made it clear that whether we build a new hospital or repair the current one, costs for repair projects for the existing facility should be incorporated to obtain/maintain CMS accreditation for a 7-year window minimum timeframe.

Our sick and dying loved ones at the hospital deserve the best care we can give.

There is no higher priority use of government funds today than fixing our hospital’s leaking roof, electrical panel and elevators, and ensuring accurate medical records and CMS protections.

Funding the hospital is a unanimous policy of the legislature based on the clear mandate of the people,” stated Senator Therese Terlaje. 

Terlaje: Prioritize Funding for Repairs to Existing Hospital to Safeguard Patient Safety and CMS Accreditation

FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (February 17, 2020- Hagåtña, Guam)- Senator Therese M. Terlaje introduced Bill 294-35 (COR) today, to prioritize an additional $11 Million of improvements to the current Guam Memorial Hospital facility, above less critical expenditures in the current Executive Budget request for FY2021.

“All the revenue we receive as a government is meaningless if we cannot provide a safe place for our community during the most vulnerable times of our lives. Patients and their families deserve to walk into our hospital without seeing a leaking roof and wondering if the electrical panel, air system, or medical record system will put them at risk.”

According to the Chairperson of the Legislature’s Committee on Health, approximately $21 Million Dollars of priority projects are estimated in order to protect CMS Accreditation and to maintain patient safety pending construction of a new hospital, that may take up to five years to realize.

During FY2020, $10 Million was appropriated to GMH from FY2019 Business Privilege Tax revenues in excess of FY2019 appropriated revenues through Public Law 35-36 and Bill 210, which recently lapsed into law. The Governor’s FY2021 budget is $506,766 less than the total appropriated for FY2020 and again does not allocate funding for the known urgent capital improvement needs of the hospital.

Bill 294-35 will immediately dedicate an additional $11 Million to GMH capital improvement and equipment priorities from FY2021 revenues. This investment will allow for the adequate planning and thorough vetting of additional long-term construction plans for the hospital.

Highest priorities of the hospital include investing in the continued accreditation of the hospital by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and addressing the most urgent structural deficiencies, equipment needs, and infrastructure deficiencies of the current hospital facility.  


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (February 6, 2020) – The Crime Victim’s Rights Act of 2004 granted victims the right to be notified of certain developments in their cases, including changes to the defendant’s confinement status. Victims sometimes had not been notified, or when they were notified, it was after the defendant’s release. This is a gap in victim service delivery that deprives victims of this right, compromises victim safety, and causes a feeling of re-victimization.

“The Attorney General’s Office launch of the Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) program is an important step towards closing the victim notification gap, and I look forward to prompt and continued expansion of the system, to include automatic notification of time of actual release.”

Victims will now be able to access and, if they choose, to be actively notified of court hearing dates and outcomes. They will no longer have to wait for phone calls or call themselves to obtain this information.

“Having timely, reliable information at their fingertips, on their computer or mobile device, accessible twenty-four hours a day, is vital to victim engagement, empowerment, and safety. I look forward to and will continue to support other measures to ensure victim safety and enhance victim service delivery.”  

To access VINE visit, download the VINELink APP or call 1-877-484-8463.

For more information feel free to call the Office of Senator Therese Terlaje at 472-3586, or email

Senator Therese Terlaje Begins the First Part of a Series of Informational Hearings on Guam’s Medical Malpractice Law

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (September 20, 2019)—Committee on Health Chairperson Senator Therese M. Terlaje commenced the first part of a series of informational hearings on Guam’s Medical Malpractice Mandatory Arbitration Act. 

Thursday’s first informational hearing focused on the basic background of Guam’s Medical Malpractice Mandatory Arbitration Act. The Office of the Attorney General of Guam, Attorney Mitch Thompson, and members of the Guam Bar Association, including lawyers who volunteered to assist the Legislature with examining the malpractice law, were invited to attend and shared an overview of the current statute and relevant cases. Patients and members of the public also testified and shared their personal experiences and the impact the malpractice law has had on their families. From our first hearing, we learned that arbitration costs are clearly an issue and more information is needed from providers of arbitration services and those who have engaged in the process. 

Having the input from the legal community, medical professionals, and patients is important as we address the intent of the law, and its impact on the standard of health care on Guam. I’m grateful for the willingness of our legal and health professionals for assisting in this regard. A review is long overdue, and is critical especially for families who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Thank you to Mr. David Lubofsky and Ms. Anelyn Lagrimas for not only having the courage to share your experiences and the impact the medical malpractice law has had on your families, but for the extensive research you have done in the process. I offer my deepest condolences to our families experiencing loss, and remain committed to ensuring fairness in the process and most of all, access to justice.

Senator Therese M. Terlaje, Chairperson, Committee on Health

All health professionals are invited to a second informational hearing on Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. to focus on the effect of the current law on standards of care. A third informational hearing is scheduled for Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. and will focus on recommendations for improvement. All hearings will take place at the Public Hearing Room of the Guam Congress Building. Patients and the public are invited to attend both hearings and provide written testimony. 

Attorney Mitch Thompson gives presentation on Guam’s Medical Malpractice Mandatory Arbitration Act (September 19, 2019).
David Lubofsky and Anelyn Lagrimas provide testimony at the first informational hearing of Guam’s Medical Malpractice Mandatory Arbitration Act (September 19, 2019).

To read written testimony submitted to the Committee on Health, please view the following:

As we the Committee receives testimony, they will be posted on this website. You can watch the first informational hearing on the Guam Legislature’s YouTube Page:

Senator Therese Terlaje’s Foster Facility Bill Signed Into Law, Increasing Capacity For Emergency Children Shelters

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (September 4, 2019)—Today we take a major step in getting children out of harm’s way and into a safer living environment with the signing of Bill 159-35 into Public Law. 

Public Law 35-35, introduced by Committee on Health Chairperson Senator Therese M. Terlaje and Senator Mary Torres, and co-sponsored by all senators in the 35thGuam Legislature, will increase the capacity of the new emergency foster care shelter for more than 12 children. The new 7,000-sq. ft. I Guma Mina’åse’ Sr. Mary Brigid Perez, R.S.M. foster care shelter, is set to be completed by October 2019. 

Our efforts with this measure were prompted by the sexual assault of a 4-year-old girl who was living in an abandoned structure in Dededo last year. Any crime against our children and our most vulnerable cannot and should not be ignored. While we work to address the bigger problem of abuse and homelessness with our children, today we take an important step in helping our most vulnerable get into a safer living environment. Thank you to all our stakeholders who worked on this bill and provided crucial input at our series of meetings and roundtables over the past year. 

Si Yu’os Ma’åse to Sister Mary Brigid Perez, former First Lady Christine Calvo, the Rigalu Foundation, the Department of Public Health and Social Services for your hard work and vision, and most especially to our foster families for opening their hearts and homes for our children. 

Si Yu’os Ma’åse to our women Senators in the previous term, the Guam Homeless Coalition, CPS, GHURA, Guam Housing Corporation, and GPD for leaving no stone unturned in seeking ways to prevent the abuse of homeless children.

Senator Therese Terlaje and Senator Sabina Perez: Support the Health of Our People; Our Voices Matter

FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (April 17, 2019 – Hagåtña)

Senator Therese Terlaje and Senator Sabina Perez were concerned after hearing several government agencies’ comments on the Mariana Islands Training and Testing (MITT) draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) and are encouraging all to have a say in the health and well-being of our livelihood and environment as impacted by military testing and training in our region.  The April 17th deadline has been extended to April 27th for the public to submit comments to the Department of the Navy on the proposed actions in the draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS). 

The draft SEIS is an update to the 2015 Final MITT Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (EIS/OEIS) and is intended to assess potential environmental impacts that would be caused by the Navy’s training and testing activities that include the use of active sonar and explosives.  This study area encompasses 984,601 square nautical miles of the entire ocean across and beyond the Mariana Islands, which is larger than the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Montana and New Mexico combined.

Currently, the Navy’s permit allows 12,580 detonations of various magnitudes per year for 5 years, and 81,962 takings (or killings) of 26 different marine mammal species per year for 5 years. 

On August 15, 2019, Senator Therese Terlaje and Senator Sabina Perez conducted a joint informational briefing on the 2019 MITT Draft Supplemental EIS and invited Bureau of Statistics and Plans, Guam Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Agriculture, Guam State Historic Preservation Officer, Guam Preservation Trust, Guam Historic Preservation Review Board, Guam Waterworks Authority, and Guam Solid Waste Authority to share their expertise and comments on the potential impacts of the MITT on Guam’s environment, resources, cultural sites, and health.

Agencies highlighted various concerns:

Brent Tibbets, Biologist with Fisheries Section of Guam Department of Agriculture

He states, “reviewing the EIS, there are several portions of it that are comment worthy. I guess I would say one, of course, is the potential to interact with marine mammals with the activities that we see being proposed. Sonar, vessel interactions, explosive detonation in the water, all of these have the potential to impact marine mammals. One of the concerns from the EIS is that for all of the marine mammals that are mentioned, I don’t think there’s a single one that has the most current information available listed with it. We have information on strandings, on sightings, on whales sighted giving birth that were not mentioned in the EIS anywhere. And I’m not certain where that information was gotten from, but all of this information that was provided to our federal partners as well as that we have available, was not mentioned in the EIS.”  He continues to state, “We do have additional stranding records. We have additional records of marine mammals identified giving birth in the region. One of particular concern is the mention of the Agat offshore mine detonation site. That’s almost precisely where we have photographic evidence of sperm whales giving birth which are both marine mammal and endangered species listed organisms. Though it’s not listed anywhere in the EIS that incidents like that. Another area of concern is vessel strikes. Vessel strikes with marine mammals are addressed in the EIS but we have a greater incidence of vessel strikes with sea turtles on Guam. We’ve had at least five sea turtles killed by vessel strike in the last seven years on Guam that we’ve been able to identify. It’s difficult to identify the vessel that did strike the turtle. Nearly all of these occurred in inner Apra Harbor which is pretty much closed to all activity except military vessel activities. So the implication is that it could be military vessel strikes that are causing the sea turtle mortality. Another area in the EIS is mentioned… a large area to southeast of Guam Whiskey 517 is an area it was mentioned. It was very closely related to some offshore fishing banks where we documented a fair amount of fishing activity. In the last two years those banks have been off-limits about a 120 days, an average for the last two years which is about a third of the year for activity and primarily for fishing activity. Now they do fall just outside the range that is delineated but we’ve had fishermen report that when they get down to the banks there are military vessels that are telling them to not enter while activities are going on even though they’re outside the area.”

Edwin Reyes, Administrator, Guam Coastal Management Program, Bureau of Statistics and Plans

He states during his slide presentation regarding the MITT process, “it’s going to be a discussion on mitigation or project adjustments.  So this is an engagement process where we can understand the project fully but then also work to ensure that the resources of the territory are protected.”  He further states, “so the initial concepts that we’ll be looking at just by reading the executive summary (of the SEIS) one of them is marine habitat. So we want to ensure that military expended material will not pose contamination threats as material breaks down. This is not only a direct impact as the detonation occurs but any particles that may be consumed by organisms that can affect the food chain.  We’re not looking at just the moment but what could happen after the activity takes place.  We are concerned about any kind of seafloor detonations within our coastal zone and this doesn’t matter if there’s no corals on hard bottom or substrates.  With or without the presence of coral we know that the hard bottom substrate is an important area where coral polyps can settle and we want to be sure that that habitat is protected.”

Jesse Cruz, Administrator, Guam EPA’s Environmental Monitoring and Analytical Services

He mentions 12 different issues with the draft SEIS.  Two of the 12 issues are the following: “At minimum, a yearly report should be produced summarizing all activities identified in the MITT.  There is no current mechanism to evaluate if the activities and quantities identified in the MITT are met or exceeded.  Report should also address any impacts to stressor types.”  Additionally, he states, “Neither the 2015 MITT nor the 2019 Supplemental MITT have a discussion on the rational for an increase from a 10 lbs. underwater mine charge to the new standard of a 20 lbs. charge for the listed mine detonation activities.  What is the justification for the increase?  This needs to be further explained and justified.” 

Joe Quinata, Chief Program Officer, Guam Preservation Trust and

Dave Lotz, Member of Guam Historic Preservation Review Board

Regarding the Cultural Resources section of the draft SEIS, the State Historic Preservation Officer was not present at the informational briefing but did relay to her oversight chair that her concern was that the list of cultural resources referenced in the SEIS does not fully incorporate all the cultural resources that may be impacted.  Representatives from the Guam Preservation Trust and the Guam Historic Preservation Review Board echoed the SHPO’s sentiments.

The draft SEIS for the MITT is available at  The public is encouraged to submit their comments at by April 27, 2019.

Terlaje and Perez both reiterate, “Guam does not have a seat at the table to say yes or no to the detonations or use of sonar in our lands and waters.  But we can, for the sake of our children, make it very clear on the record that we individuals and agencies object to the cumulative harm.  We are looking to our government agencies and all of our leaders to do whatever it takes to protect our resources and health.”

See copies of all of the written comments from the agencies present at the informational briefing below:

Senator Therese Terlaje: Funding for FY 2019 Medicaid Shortfall Must Be Our Priority

FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (April 10, 2019– Hagåtña) – Senator Therese M. Terlaje introduced Bill No. 78-35 (COR) to address the $5.6 million dollar shortfall the Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) is facing to pay Medicaid claims to private entities through the end of Fiscal Year 2019.

Based on claims received, current processing, and expenditure projections, DPHSS needs approximately $5.6 million dollars for local matching requirements and only has enough funding through the first week of April for regular Affordable Care Act (ACA) Medicaid and Medicaid Childless Adults claims from private medical providers.

The Medicaid Program subsidizes health care costs for approximately 43,549 low-income individuals. Appropriating $5.6 million dollars for local matching requirements for the Guam Medicaid program will allow DPHSS to access an additional $6.8 million dollars in federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) grant funds.

Senator Therese Terlaje first called attention to this shortfall in Medicaid funding during a February 7, 2019 informational briefing with DPHSS and with her introduction of Bills No. 35-35 and 36-35.  At that time, DPHSS reported a potential $13.3 million dollar shortfall for local matching funds for Medicaid.  Since then, an Executive Order was signed by the Governor to redirect $7.7 million dollars of the FY 2019 GMHA Pharmaceutical Funds back to DPHSS to pay GMH Medicaid claims, leaving a shortfall of approximately $5.6 million dollars for non-GMH Medicaid claims. 

Still left untapped is approximately $61 million in federal ACA Medicaid funds that DPHSS is unable to tap due to a lack of local matching funds. All federal ACA funds expire in September 2019. This year Guam has already used $13.1 million of local funds to access $15.6 million of the ACA funds for Medicaid claims. A $10.5 million decrease in federal funds is indicated in the Governor’s 2020 budget request, and $3 million in Compact Impact funds are allocated towards Medicaid.

“With the many and current competing interests on our island, I still believe that one of our top priorities should be the health and wellness of our most vulnerable families who are eligible for Medicaid. There is an urgent need to invest in the local match requirement for Medicaid in this fiscal year, in order to access federal grant funds to pay for Medicaid claims.  If we do not prioritize this now, we may lose our opportunity to tap into those federal ACA grant funds and many of our low-income families may not get the care that they need,” stated Senator Terlaje.

She further stated, “Clearly this situation was a priority months ago and today it is a potential crisis. DPHSS has exhausted its FY19 local Medicaid appropriation with five months left unfunded and $61 million in federal funds waiting to be tapped. The government cannot afford to cover these patients without the federal match, and our community cannot afford the risks of even a temporary shutdown in health services to these patients. The government must immediately allocate additional funds to DPHSS through this bill or the bill introduced two months ago, through the Governor’s transfer authority, or by redirecting Compact Impact funds.”

Legislature Affirms Bi-Partisan Support for “The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendments of 2019,” to include Guam as a Downwind Area

FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (April 3, 2019– Hagåtña)- Senator Therese M. Terlaje, with the full backing and sponsorship of all senators of the 35th Guam Legislature, introduced Legislative Resolution 94-35 (COR) in support of S. 947, “The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendments of 2019,” which includes Guam residents exposed to radiation during nuclear testing in the Pacific from 1946 to 1962.

S. 947 was introduced in the U.S. Senate by Senator Mike Crapo (R- Idaho) and would expand eligibility requirements and increase compensation for persons suffering health problems related to cancer caused by radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests. Idaho, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah and Guam would be added to existing areas where victims can apply for compensation under the federal Radiation Exposure Compensation Act program (RECA). Qualified claimants are entitled to free medical care, health screening, and $150,000 compensation for certain illnesses.

In 2004, The National Academies of Science confirmed Guam’s exposure to radiation as “downwinders” and recommended that Guam be included under RECA. Fifteen years later, Guam still fights an uphill battle for inclusion. S. 947 is the eighth (8) version of the RECA Amendment bill introduced in the last twelve (12) years.

“Guam has been united in this effort for many, many years through the leadership of the Pacific Association of Radiation Survivors (PARS), Mr. Robert N. Celestial, the late Dr. Chris Perez, the late Senator Angel Santos, former Speakers Ben Pangelinan, Mark Forbes, Judith Won Pat, BJ Cruz, and many others. Justice is long overdue and given the high cancer rates and other radiation related illnesses in Guam, the additional healthcare resources under this bill are urgent,” stated Senator Therese Terlaje. 

Senator Therese Terlaje’s session remarks regarding Bill No. 32-35 (COR)

FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (March 26, 2019 – Hagåtña)

Please see the transcript of Senator Therese Terlaje’s session remarks regarding Bill No. 32-35 (COR).

“It has been an almost surreal experience, the past few days since last Friday we have been in this legislative hall and over the weekend as well with constituents discussing nothing but gambling and marijuana. A part of me felt a little sad. It’s as if we had no other dreams for our children on our beautiful island or pursuit of any other priorities or industries.

I have reviewed carefully the testimony and the comments to the petition submitted in favor of this new bill and it is my assessment that many, maybe even up to 75% of those asking us to pass this bill today are really after cannabis for their medical or psychological health purposes and frustrated that the medicinal marijuana program is delayed. I have been in full support of Guam’s current laws authorizing medicinal cannabis for our cancer patients and others suffering from illness, and the Legislature has passed legislation for work-arounds to implemented medicinal cannabis which improved the law that was passed by referendum.

The new Director of DPHSS, who was confirmed less than a month ago at our first legislative session, held a briefing on March 18, just 8 days ago, on the medicinal marijuana law, and she promised that DPHSS would focus and finally do its part after years of inaction to get the program in place asap. She proposed a budget of approximately $800,000 to begin to shore up the medicinal cannabis program and she made a concrete recommendation that the Legislature remove the residency restrictions on lab owners so that Guam can attract an off-island investor for the required lab. A lab or cannabis testing facility was found necessary by the people of Guam for the protection of patients. I would think that it is also necessary to protect recreational users as well.

But today in this bill we are asked to take a huge departure from the medicinal cannabis approach and legalize cannabis for all purposes for anyone over 21. I support decriminalizing marijuana. I support the current government of Guam policy that already allows the possession of marijuana, that de-prioritizes the prosecution of marijuana offenses, that expands treatment courts instead of jail time for drug offenses. This is what other states like Vermont have done in legalizing marijuana. But way beyond legalizing it, we are asked in a very short time period to pass this bill to stand up a retail marijuana industry, including cultivation, manufacturing, and distribution, at the same time protection of our children from access to this substance, protection of our roads from further tragedy due to impaired driving, protection of our people from pesticides, poison, dependency and other harm from the use. This is a much bigger task than agreeing that precious government resources will not be used for prosecution of marijuana cases, or that our prisons and court system would not be overcrowded due to marijuana infractions. Changing course to a retail marijuana industry is a task that involves a myriad of public policy decisions along the way, and a lot of work in advance of implementation. Most importantly, it requires and necessitates the consensus of the community for its success, and it requires dedication by our government agencies, the enforcement agencies whom we will be leaning and relying on even more than we do today. We as a community can and must determine the best ways to do this given the restrictions we face under federal law, our unique political status, what we have learned from other jurisdictions, and by keeping focus on what we hope for our children along the way. The key for me, however, is that this switch to a retail industry is something that in every other jurisdiction in the U.S. except for Vermont and the CNMI, was done with consensus of the residents, as evidenced by a referendum. I do not necessarily think we need a referendum if a consensus is readily apparent, but it does appear as it stands today that a consensus is not readily apparent in our community.

The fact is that this bill is opposed by many, some are veterans, some are older, some who have committed their lives to law enforcement, the judicial system, public health, behavioral health. Some are nonprofit advocates against disease and abuse. Some from the generation who built Guam from rubble, who built our economy to what it is today while resisting fast cash of gambling, and other industry, and who have sacrificed and persevered through hardship and preserved for us the beauty of what Guam is today.

The author of the bill, when motioning for its adoption on Friday, stated that any legislator who wants a referendum or to refer the bill back to committee to flush out the details is a coward, not a problem-solver. I have heard on talk shows hosts say that anyone who doesn’t vote in favor of this bill as is, is an obstructionist, and would not get his support. I have been sent emails from my some of my closest younger friends, partners in the promotion of CHamoru culture and the arts, advocates in the change of status for Guam, protectors of ancient villages and our beautiful natural resources, fighters for justice and the cleanup of past contamination, who claim that they do not have a debilitating or painful illness, but marijuana is so important and necessary in their lives on a daily basis and they did not want to feel like criminals for using it, that if I did not vote for this bill as is I was simply not a leader, and they and their friends would never support me again. This line-drawing, the pitting of our community against each other, and a division over a simple substance not even native to Guam, in the face of destruction of thousands of acres of limestone forest and native medicinal plants, in the big picture, is, to me very perplexing.

This bill is a huge policy change, a risk, and significant resource shift that requires respect for all in our community, and additional opportunity for them to be heard, and for them to hear and gain confidence in what the proponents of this bill have been convinced of, that passage of this bill will not exacerbate what they legitimately fear because of what they have lived through, the very real and devastating impacts of drug use on our families, loss of identity, lack of inspiration and role models for our youth, that the industry will spiral out of control due to the inability of our current government to regulate and plan, and react as necessary to the impacts. These elder generations are not stupid, are not cowards. It is they who have built us up, who when heroin and ice ravaged our island, dealt with the painful consequences. I believe they are entitled to be comfortable with our decision, to be fully informed, to be paid respect. It is part of our job here to bring the community along with us, to show them that they can trust us to hear them, and we CAN reassure them if we work harder at it and stick to facts instead of threats or rushing, if we actually get our agencies involved and approach this in a concerted way, step by step, instead of the politically expedient passing a bill that passes the buck and then the benefits of the industry be held in abeyance or operate in chaos for years while the agencies scramble without resources to deal with the mess.

I have read the bill over and over, and I want acknowledge that some of the best that we can learn from other jurisdictions from their adoption of recreational cannabis has been incorporated in this bill such as:

  • restricting the use for only adults age 21 and older
  • restrictions on the amount of marijuana and marijuana plants that can be possessed for personal use
  • not allowing marijuana to be consumed in public or for the marijuana plants to be enclosed in a locked place
  • not allowing driving under the influence of cannabis
  • restricting the display of cannabis items visibly to the general public from a public right of way
  • involving different government agencies in the Cannabis Control Board

I want to assure all the advocates in our community that have worked so hard to educate themselves and the rest of us, that I have read all the material sent in the committee report, and those sent to me by email or text message and done a lot of research on my own of course with the assistance of my staff. I don’t think it I could have done it by myself which I think is significant for us at the Legislature. However, as evidenced by the various commissions and advisory boards mandated to continuously assess the implications for their jurisdictions, I think it is fair to say that there remain many unknowns in this relatively new industry and certainly unknowns for this industry on Guam. Requiring that two agencies come up with rules and regulations for the entire government is unrealistic and I’m glad we included more on the Board. We should take the time we need and use all experts in the government and beyond to truly determine the executive branch’s collective vision and ability to implement a retail cannabis industry on Guam at this time. This bill was introduced on January 31 and had its first and only public hearing on March 7, although there were two on that day, but the bill that was reported out did not incorporate any of the suggestions made during that public hearing. Only two government agencies testified at the hearing, the Department of Revenue and Taxation who was neither in support or against but said they are up for the challenge of their role in this industry and Department of Agriculture who said they support the bill.

Since the hearing, the Guam Visitors Bureau has asked for 2 months to complete a study of potential response from their top Asian markets, instead of merely relying on the hypotheses of some of the marijuana proponents that our tourism industry will flourish, or that we should rely on Colorado tourism to predict changes in Guam tourism. Should we also rely on the changes in Colorado’s homeless populations to predict an increase in Guam’s homeless population? We have heard from the news that the Governor supports the bill, “in concept.” Yet, the committee report after the hearing is devoid of any input or review of the bill from our public health institutions and experts, our behavioral health institutions and experts who will undoubtedly bear the burden of protecting our youth from the adverse effects of marijuana on their young brains, protecting our residents and tourists from poisoning from pesticides or other harmful products, protecting our families from drivers that are impaired, and we must ensure that we do not impede or detract from the time and resources the government of Guam has already dedicated in critical fights against effects from smoking tobacco, alcohol consumption, high incidence of disease, all while dealing with federal restrictions. These agencies will no doubt be brought in to work on the rules and regulations but without advanced assurances of support from this Legislature. I have also noticed that the Social work community, normally very clear advocates for programs that they believe will help those in need in our society, has been silent on this bill.

Colorado’s recreational marijuana industry law was not enacted overnight. It came after four years of active medicinal marijuana policies and tweaking, after two years of decriminalizing the use and allowing home growing of marijuana. It incorporates studies and data to track its progress. Colorado’s electorate were asked whether to transition from medicinal to legal recreational marijuana and asked again whether to transition to retail marijuana industry. Still, a review of Colorado’s program by Public Health experts points to a lack of baseline data and suggests that any other jurisdiction thinking of similarly legalizing marijuana first conduct pre-implementation baseline studies of its residents in order to accurately assess changes caused after enactment.

Since July 1, 2018, recreational use of marijuana has been legal in Vermont. The law allows people age 21 and older to possess up to 1 ounce of marijuana and also two mature and four immature plants per household. Despite the revenue being generated by Colorado and Washington, Vermont did not immediately adopt retail sales. In December 2018 they finalized a report regarding moving forward with retail sales, recommending a 20% excise tax and $1M be set aside to study the effects of cannabis use, and their Governor has promised to hold off on any retail sales until highway safety measures can be agreed on because there is no clear scientific way currently to measure impairment to driving by cannabis or cannabis in conjunction with alcohol or other drugs.

We have a consensus in our community on medicinal use. It took other states years to effectively implement their programs, and we know that a lab is crucial. We can and should pursue a testing facility immediately. It took some states like Hawaii years to effectively implement their medicinal cannabis programs, and we should not be discouraged but work harder under our new agency directors and our new governor. We also have a consensus in our community to decriminalize and remove penalties for possession of marijuana, to alleviate the judicial and law enforcement systems from marijuana cases. Where we must work to gain consensus is in the details of how a retail industry will move forward, how it will be regulated effectively despite program after program on Guam that is ineffectively regulated, other taxes that are ineffectively collected, and protections for our youth that are currently not in place or not up to par. This is the hard work of this Legislature and the Executive Branch, which must include transparency and deliberation along the way.

I am very thankful that debate on this bill has I think made some excellent improvement in the bill. It is my experience that collaboration always makes things better here on the floor and out in the community. I have utmost respect for my colleagues and the hard work already put into this, however I would move that this bill be moved back to committee with all of the amendments intact for future input from GVB and executive branch agencies who will be tasked with upholding and regulating this new industry. So that we are not surprised after passage from departments like DYA and most especially that we can hear from the Department of Public Health and Social Services and Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center before we put it to a final vote. And so I especially ask that on this motion all the amendments be left intact because I do recognize that the bill has been improved I believe and that there has been a lot of hard work put in but GVB has asked for a mere a couple months so they can get their data back and so I would ask my colleagues to consider that motion madam Speaker.”

Senator Therese Terlaje’s Bill No. 27-35 passes unanimously

FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE (March 21, 2019 – Hagåtña)

Senator Therese Terlaje’s Bill No. 27-35 (COR) that will require the timely publication of environmental violation notices and settlement agreements on the Guam Environmental Protection Agency’s website and require regular reporting of these notices and agreements to the GEPA Board of Directors was unanimously passed by the 35th Guam Legislature.

Bill 27-35 requires the online publication of Notices of Violations, Orders of Compliance, Notices of Defense, Voluntary Compliance Agreements, Settlement Agreements and Referrals to the Office of the Attorney General for Prosecution, allowing the public to follow the enforcement process from start to finish.

“By increasing agency transparency, we are prioritizing active participation by the public in their government and ultimately making agencies and their boards accountable for the level of enforcement that our entire community is depending on,” stated Senator Therese Terlaje.

Please see the transcript of Senator Therese Terlaje’s opening remarks and closing remarks during today’s session regarding Bill No. 27-35 (COR). 

Opening remarks on Bill No. 27-35 (COR)

“Bill No. 27-35 if passed into law will require the online publication of environmental violation enforcement documents and the timely reporting of these documents to the Guam EPA’s Board of Directors.  It will specifically mandate that all Notices of Violations, Orders of Compliance, Notices of Defense, Voluntary Compliance Agreements, Settlement Agreements, and Referrals to the Office of the Attorney General for prosecution will be published online no later than 15 days from service and those documents will also be reported to the Board of Directors at the next scheduled regular Board meeting. These documents are already public documents and they are subject to the FOIA requests.  The bill would also amend the EPA enabling statues to include all of their mandates so that the publication mandate would apply to all of EPA’s current enforcement duties including the Guam Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, the Toxic Substances Exposure Compensation Act, the Water And Wastewater Operators Mandatory Certification Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Guam Lead Ban Act, the Environmental Pollution Control Act, the Guam Oil Spill Responder Act, the  Choose to Reuse: Munga Ma Ayek I Plastek Act of 2018, the Underground Storage of Regulated Substances Act, the Above Storage of Regulated Substances Act. I would like to thank Guam EPA’s public information officer Nic Rupley for his testimony at the public hearing in support of the bill and the Administrator Leon Guerrero’s written testimony and feedback from Guam EPA and its legal counsel the during the drafting of this bill. I would also like to thank the co-sponsors Senator Sabina Perez and Senator Clynt Ridgell for their support and for the committee’s support in moving this forward. The bill is consistent with Guam EPA Board’s recently adopted policy that would put violations online. I wholeheartedly support EPA’s efforts towards transparency and open governance, and I ask that my colleagues do the same by increasing agency transparency especially in these enforcement agencies.  We are hoping to build the trust of the public and prioritize active participation by the public in protecting the environment and ultimately making agencies and their Boards accountable for the level of enforcement that our entire community is depending upon. Si Yu’os ma’åse’.”

Senator Joe San Agustin, Senator Amanda Shelton, Senator Kelly Marsh Taitano, and Vice Speaker Telena Nelson also provided remarks in support of the bill during session.

Closing remarks on Bill No. 27-35 (COR)

“I’d like to thank my colleagues for their really well-thought-out remarks on the bill.  It’s true madam Speaker that this bill was introduced because of events that had occurred in the past where the public was shocked to find out what the penalties were for violations. In looking more closely at how that could occur, we have to understand that we have given these agencies – they are regulatory agencies – we have given them great discretion, a great power, and also a great discretion to impose penalties also to enforce.  But along with that they have some discretion whether the violator responds quickly and suitably or efficiently and for different factors.  They give different penalties and so we’ve given them a range of penalties and so I agree with prior speakers that we want EPA to be harsh with their penalties because we want it to be a deterrent.  We also want the discretion to be less personally based versus actual system-based.  And I think, now, they do have factors that they evaluate in determining penalties and that’s the other reason why the Board is now going to get notice of all of these different actions promptly because the Board is there for oversight of an administrator and with changing administrators the Board should always be in the know and be able to act if they think the discretion was not to their liking.  I thank again my colleagues and the Committee Chair for their support of this bill.  Si Yu’os ma’åse’.”